Barack's inauguration
Barack Obama wins the US presidential election and becomes the first African American president of the United States. picture:animprobablelife.com -
The day he toke office
This day meant a lot to America,history, and Barack's family and friends. Also he was the first presidentt to be born out of the contigouous United States. picture:shallownation.com picture:blog.flickr.net -
And the winner is...?
Barack won the Noble peace prize, and later stated that he was "suprised" and "humbled".70.1% of respondents later said "It was too early to judge his suitability for the award". Picture:bluebeerriver.blogspot.com -
He passed the Health Care reform
This act made health care more affordble for families. picture;99problems.com -
Propsoed 2010 Budget
This is including cuts of $7 billion which is about (0.5% of the $3.4 trillion budget) picture:clfmaine.org -
The death of Osama Bin Laden
This day will be marked down in history as one of America's biggest defeats. Osama was a terrorrist that America yurned to take down. picture:usnavyseal.com -
General Motors' Bankruptcy
General Motors, the US's biggest carmaker, files for bankruptcy, the biggest manurfacturing collapse in the US history. Obama's restructing plan will see the US government owning 60%. 1461days.blogspot.com -
State of Union Address
This is an annual speech for Obama. He later attended a session of Congress. picture:commonswikimedia.org -
Executive Order
This order was aimed at freezing the assets of Iranian government and financial institutions. picture:1461days.blogspot.com -
The ''STOCK'' gets signed
Barack signs the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act for various reaons. picture:boston.com -
Gay marriage
He said his administration would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act. He believed it was unconstitutional. He now shows support. picture:thinkprogress.org -
US-Israel Enhanced Security
The president signs the US-Israel Enhanced Security Co-operation Act in the oval office. picture:thealantic.com -
Veterans and Camp Lejeune
Barack signs the Honoring America's Veteran's and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012 into law. picture:whitehouse.gov