
Barack Obama Life and Times

  • Barack Obama visits Kenyan Village

    Barack Obama visits Kenyan Village
    Barack Obama, just before he began his law studies, visited the village in Kenya where his father had lived as a child. The trip made Obama feel like he needed to branch out and help those who were in need.
  • Barack Obama begins school at Harvard Law

    Barack Obama begins school at Harvard Law
    Barack Obama began his studies at Harvard Law in 1988, where he met Michelle Robinson (his future wife) This was the schooling that brought him to becoming the first African American president of the United States
  • Obama becomes the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review

    Obama becomes the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review
    Barack Obama is appointed the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review, making Harvard Law, and the world, a little less segregated,
  • Barack Obama publishes a book

    Barack Obama publishes a book
    Obama published a book entitled "Dreams from My Father" and also graduates from Harvard Law with a high degree. The book he published focused on his past struggles and also told the readers what he hoped to accomplish in the future, but he ended up accomplishing so much more.
  • Obama registers 100,000 new voters for the Illinois Project

    Obama registers 100,000 new voters for the Illinois Project
    Obama became the director of the Illinois project, registering 100,000 new voters, primarily in the African American Community. Also during this year, Barack begins teaching constitutional law in the state of Illinois. He was also married to Michelle during this year
  • Barack Obama runs for Illinois State Senate

    Barack Obama runs for Illinois State Senate
    Barack Obama runs for the Illinois State Senate. He wins the Democratic nomination for the seat, and is elected to the Illinois State Senate. Democrats are in the minority and therefore Barack time and again fails to pass his initiatives.
  • Obama is sworn as a US senator.

    Obama is sworn as a US senator.
    Barack Obama is sworn into the Senate as a US senator. His first law was also passed, which allows any American Citezen to go online and see exactly how their tax dollars are being spent.
  • Barack Obama announces his candidacy for the Presidential Election

    Barack Obama announces his candidacy for the Presidential Election
    Barack Obama, on February 10, 2007, announces that he is running for president. Some are shocked that an African American man is running for president, but the majority is happy.
  • Barack Obama becomes first African American President of the United States.

    Barack Obama becomes first African American President of the United States.
    Barack Obama wins the US Presidential Election and becomes the first African-American President of the United States against opposer John McCain.
  • Obama is Elected into Office for a Second Term

    Obama is Elected into Office for a Second Term
    Barack Obama is re elected into office and is once again de-segregating The United State even more. Although, this time, Obama did not recieve as many votes in his favor as he did in the previous election.