
Barack Obama Dual Enrollment project

  • Birth

    Barack Hussein Obama is born
  • Parents Divorce

    Barack's parents divorce and his father goes back to Kenya. Young Barack stays with his mother.
  • Graduated College

    Graduated College
    Graduated at Columbia University with a bachelor's degree in political science
  • Romance in the air?

    While a summer associate in 1989 at the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin, Obama had met Chicago native Michelle Robinson, a young lawyer at the firm.
  • Continued education

    Continued education
    Went back to school at Harvard and graduated with Magnum Cum Laude
  • Start of his political career

    As an active democrat, he organized Project Vote, a drive that registered tens of thousands of African Americans on voting rolls and that is credited with helping Democrat Bill Clinton win Illinois and capture the presidency in 1992
  • Holy Matrimony

    Barack and Michelle Robinson are lawfully wedded
  • Wrote his first book

    Obama wrote his first book and saw it published. The memoir, Dreams from My Father (1995), is the story of Obama’s search for his biracial identity by tracing the lives of his now-deceased father and his extended family in Kenya.
  • In Senate

    In Senate
    In 1996 he was elected to the Illinois Senate, where, most notably, he helped pass legislation that tightened campaign finance regulations, expanded health care to poor families, and reformed criminal justice and welfare laws.
  • Period: to

    Obama Administration

    Wins the election in 2008 and then was Reelected in 2012. His second term ended in 2016.
  • Nobel peace Prize

    Nobel peace Prize
    He is awarded a Nobel piece prize for his diplomatic efforts with the rest of the world.