
Bapsi sidhwa

  • feroza

    the event is about when feroza did something a while back and cryus the father didn't want the mother to know about the situation becasue as for their religion
  • mom ask dad

    wife questions and feroza to question why women got to dress like this and feroza been down lately so mom talk to dad about the situation
  • changing culture

    Mom ask dad to make feroza go to usa for a long holiday visit so feroza wont have stress on her and mom brother coming with her
  • send off

    As everyone in the family came for one last day to be with feroza for her big trip in usa and saying she going to be a college student and planning all these events she will do
  • in the airport

    while the was in the airport she heard all type of music and seen so many ethic colors of people and didnt know how to act or do
  • trying need foods

    As she went out into the town feroza try need foods and she got a sandwhich that she never had and drinks she never taste
  • joining college

    While feroza join college she join a mormon college where she was introduce to a different religion
  • meet the love of her life

    while feroza was a muslim she meet a guy who from a different race and opposite religion
  • family member die

    while it was the beginning of the new year and new love in the air feroza family member died
  • feroza parents find out about the boy

    feroza parents find out that the boy was a different religion and got mad