Bank War

  • 1832 Bank Recharter Bill

    1832 Bank Recharter Bill
    The bank charter was supposed to expire in 1836; however, Henry Clay pushed it through congress to cause it to become an election issue.
  • Jackson's Veto

    Jackson's Veto
    Henry Clay's plan to recharter the bank was halted to a stop when Jackson vetoed it. It's significant because this is when Jackson began to show he was above congress.
  • Election of 1832

    Election of 1832
    This election was between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. It is very significant because the wealthy in the North didn't win the presidency.
  • Jackson Removes Federal Deposits

    Jackson Removes Federal Deposits
    This is when Jackson finally put an end to the bank. He removed all deposits from the vault and proposed that the deposits would gradually shrink.
  • Biddle's Response

    Biddle's Response
    Biddle reacted by calling in all bank loans, which caused a financial crisis that is known as "Biddle's Panic."
  • Jackson's Pet Banks

    Jackson's Pet Banks
    Federal funds were put into smaller institutions called pet banks. These banks helped raise the economy and spread paper money across the country
  • Speculative Boom

    Speculative Boom
    The time in which Jackson had pet banks all across the country
  • Specie Circular

    Specie Circular
    A decree that made everyone buy land with metal money. The reason for doing this was so the speculative boom would end
  • Crash of 1837

    Crash of 1837
    A crash in the economy that cause the country to go into a widespread panic.