Period: to
World War 2 and Post Careers
Army Men volunteer to become Parachutists
Army men are volunteering to become part of a team of parachuters. -
Paratroopers are Sent to Normandy
The paratroopers are sent behind enemy lines in Normandy where they will have to fight until they can win the beach. -
Easy Company kept the Beach Secured
The Paratroopers Secure a Base
Paratroopers were Given a Rest
Memorial for the Deceased
The Soldiers were sent to Helmond
The Soldiers had to Defend themselves from German Panzers
The 506th were given a Briefing
The Germans won't Quit
The 506th were Sent to Capture an Outpost
A Prisoner Escapes Jail from the Germans
The Paratroopers are sent to Holland
World War 2 Ends
The Paratroopers are Disbanded