Bailey Underwood Dead Guy Project

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    Miletus- 600 BC

    Thought everything was made of water
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    Democritus- 400 BC

    Thought matter couldnt be divided into smaller pieces forever and came up with the atom
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    Aristotle- 400 BC

    Believed him instead of Democritus but Democritus was right;
  • Isaac Newton- 1670

    gravity, laws of motion, light spectrum
  • John Dalton- 1807

    atoms are indivisible and indestructible all atoms of an element are identical atoms are different elements are different atoms are different elements combine in simple whole numbers to form compounds atoms cannot be created or destroyed
  • Antoine Henri Becquerel- 1896

    thought the atom was solid
  • JJ Thompson- 1897

    discovered the electron
  • Robert Milikan- 1909

    mass and charge of electron
  • Rutherford- 1911

    discovered the nucleus and proton
  • Niels Bohr-1913

    discovered model of atom
  • Francis Aston-1919

    discovered isotopes
  • Erwin Schrodinger-1926

    schrodinger model
  • James Chadwick- 1932

    approved nucleus existed