Bailey Koehlmoos, Maria Molinaro period 7

  • Bailey Koehlmoos- Fort Sumter

    Bailey Koehlmoos- Fort Sumter
    There was 34 hours of constant battle, then leading to the confederates win. The battle finally ended April 14th.
  • Bailey Koehlmoos- First Bull Run

    Bailey Koehlmoos- First Bull Run
    The confederates yelled their widely known “rebel yell” as they approached the union and eventually won the first battle at Bull Run. The battle ended July 22nd.
  • Bailey Koehlmoos- Hampton Roads

    Bailey Koehlmoos- Hampton Roads
    The battle in the end was indecisive and no one ended up winning. The battle ended
  • Peninsula Campagn-Molinaro

    Peninsula Campagn-Molinaro
    The Campaign of the American Cilvil war was a major union operation. It caused Lee Johnson as Army of Northern Comander. The North won. It ended July, 1862.
  • Shiloh-Molinaro

    Shiloh was a major battle in the western Theater of American Civil war. the out come was that 23,746 men died, 13,047 where union soilders. the winners where the union forces.
  • Second Bull Run-Molinaro

    Second Bull Run-Molinaro
    Second Bull Run was the Culmination of an offensive campaigned lead by Confederate Gen. Robert E. lee. the who outcome was that Gen. Robert E. Lee led his troups to victory, so that means that the confederate side won.
  • Bailey Koehlmoos- Antietam

    Bailey Koehlmoos- Antietam
    This war let Abraham Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation. The war ended September 18th and the Union won.
  • Bailey Koehlmoos- Fredericksburg

    Bailey Koehlmoos- Fredericksburg
    When the Confederartes won this battle their line of soldiers stretched out to three miles. This battle ended December 11th.
  • Bailey Koehlmoos- Chancellorsville

    Bailey Koehlmoos- Chancellorsville
    The south split into two different sides and caused the north to retreat across the Rappahannock River. This battle ended May 6th.
  • Vicksburg- Molinaro

    Vicksburg ended July 4, 1863. Vicksburg was the final major military action in the Vicksburg Campaign of the American Civil War. It was a Union Victory. the outcome was 19,233 casualties of which 10,142 were Union soldiers.
  • Bailey Koehlmoos- Gettysburg

    Bailey Koehlmoos- Gettysburg
    This war was the bloodiest battle in all of the Civil War and consisted of many battles inside Gettysburg. This ended July 3rd.
  • Bailey Koehlmoos- Chickamauga

    Bailey Koehlmoos- Chickamauga
    The Confederates technically won but the Union got to get away before anything really bad happened. The battle ended on September 20.
  • Bailey Koehlmoos- Gettysburg Address

    Bailey Koehlmoos- Gettysburg Address
    This short speech given by Abraham Lincoln was one of the most memorable speeches that talked about why the Union shoudld win the Civil War. It benefitted the North.
  • Wilderness- Molinaro

    Wilderness- Molinaro
    The battle of wilderness ended May 7, 1864. The battle of wilderness was the first battle of Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's 1864 Virginia Overland Campaign against Gen. Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. the outcome was Union: 18,400 | Confederate: 11,400. the winner is Inconclusive.
  • Spotsylvania- Molinaro

    Spotsylvania- Molinaro
    the end of the Spotsylvania battle was on May 21, 1864. Spotsylvania was the second major battle in Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's 1864 Overland Campaign of the American Civil War. the outcome was that 30,000 casualties of which 18,000 were Union soldiers. the winner is not known.
  • Petersburg Campaign- Molinaro

    Petersburg Campaign- Molinaro
    Petersburg Campaign was a series of battles around Petersburg, Virgina. In The end of it all Josh E. Johnston surrendered, which caused General Grant to win. This all ended OnSeptember 29, 1865.
  • Maria Molinaro- Mobile Bay

    Maria Molinaro- Mobile Bay
    David Farragut wants to seal off the port from confederate blockade runners. A Union Ship Tecumseh hit a mine and sank. So David Farragut told his ships to go ahead. Tennissee surrendors and the union won. This ended on August 23.
  • Sherman's March- Molinaro

    Sherman's March- Molinaro
    Sherman's March ended on December 21 1864 Shermans troops left the captured City of Atlanta, Georgia . the Union did win. but the out come was that there where 3,100 casualties, 2100 of them where infact union solders.
  • Bailey Koehlmoos- Appomattox

    Bailey Koehlmoos- Appomattox
    This is what ended the Civil War and when the two sides shook hands and the south agreed to surrender. The Union won the Civil War.
  • Maria Molinaro, Lincolns Assasination

    Maria Molinaro, Lincolns Assasination
    At 10:15 Booth Fired His 44 Caliber, He only had to take one shot to Lincolns head. This happened at Washington D.C. at Fords Theatre.