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By aseeman
  • Lara takes a long time in the bathroom

    Lara takes a long time in the bathroom
    Lara is taking a long time and her sister, Sydney is worried about her.
  • The police show up

    The police show up
    Lara won't come out of the bathroom and everyone is worried, so they call the police.
  • Lara is found

    Lara is found
    The police get into the bathroom and find Lara unconscious on the floor. She has attempted suicide.
  • Bree takes a picture

    Bree takes a picture
    As the ambulance are taking Lara, Bree takes a picture and posts it to facebook. It quickly gains likes.
  • Lara in the hospital

    Lara in the hospital
    While lara is in the hospital, they anxiously await for her to wake up. Liam calls Sydney. Everyone is worried about her.
  • Lara comes home

    Lara comes home
    Lara comes home from the hospital, but is still very exhausted and has to be kept under close supervision.
  • Gossip about Lara

    Gossip about Lara
    When Sydney is at school, she hears everyone talking about her sister. Liam makes sure she's okay.
  • Lara is still struggling

    Lara is still struggling
    She is continuing to have negative thoughts no matter what she does.
  • Christian DeWitt is fake

    Christian DeWitt is fake
    The police come and ask Lara questions. Then, the police say Christian's profile was a fake and no one knows of him.
  • Cheerleading

    Lara and Bree are nervous for cheerleading tryouts after school. A lot of people are surprised that Lara is trying out.
  • Who made the team?

    Who made the team?
    Lara finds out she makes the team and Bree didn't. Lara makes fun of Bree for not making the team.
  • Bree's Revenge

    Bree's Revenge
    Bree makes the Christian profile to get revenge on Lara for making fun of her.
  • Christian

    Bree keeps talking to and flirting with Lara as Christian, and leads her on to believe he's going to invite her to a dance.
  • Lara attempts suicide

    Lara attempts suicide
    Lara sits in the bathtub and attempted suicide.
  • The police go to Lara's house

    The police go to Lara's house
    The police show up to tell the Kelleys that someone in their neighborhood created the Christian profile.
  • The police go to the Connors

    The police go to the Connors
    Bree confesses she made the Christian profile.
  • Lara's dad is basically insane

    Lara's dad is basically insane
    He goes on the connors yard and starts yelling.
  • The press

    The press
    The press is always by the connors and kelleys house and is making their lives hard.
  • Bree's voicemail

    Bree's voicemail
    Her voicemail message gets changed and she gets a lot of nasty voicemails.
  • Lara law

    Lara law
    Laras mom tries to make a new law about cyber bullying and parents being involved in it.
  • Bree and Liam are getting bullied

    Bree and Liam are getting bullied
    Bree and Liam get bullied at school because of their actions.
  • Lara goes to the therapist.

    Lara goes to the therapist.
    Lara talks to a therapist and it helps her a lot.
  • Lara sees Bree

    Lara sees Bree
    Lara sees Bree at a football game and it was awkward for both of them.
  • Lara is finally better

    Lara is finally better
    Lara feels a lot better and decides to go to the dance with Luis.