
  • Lara tries to commit suicide

    Lara tries to commit suicide
    When she sees what's happening on her social media Lara starts to break down when she sees what they've posted about her publicly. Christian, someone who she thought was her friend started calling her names. She messaged him confronting him, but he just called her a loser and then blocked her.
  • Lara's attempt becomes public

    Lara's attempt becomes public
    Bree, one of Lara's ex-friends took a picture of Lara getting into the ambulance. She then posts it on FaceBook, and it gets a bunch of likes, and it keeps growing. People comment on the picture saying mean things about her. Even people from middle school were commenting on the post about Lara.
  • Lara comes home from the hospital

    Lara comes home from the hospital
    When Sydney comes home from school, she finds out that Lara is back from the hospital. Sydney and her mom talk about the new rules with Lara, and her mom complains about how much of a burden it is to watch over Lara since she has her campaign. Sydney gets mad because she thinks it's selfish of her mother to say that, Lara is upstairs sleeping so she does not hear the conversation.
  • A detective and policeman question Lara

    A detective and policeman question Lara
    Lara's mother informs her that they would like to speak to her, and ask some questions. They ask her about the night of her attempt and what happened with Christian. She soon realizes that they were reading the messages between the two of them, and she starts to freak out about it. Lara didn't want to talk to them, because talking about Christian made her break down.
  • The truth about Christian

    The truth about Christian
    After Lara starts to calm down, the detective and policeman inform her about Christian. They searched into his name "Christian DeWitt" and they found nobody in that town with the last name DeWitt, and nobody by that name went to her school. It was a fake profile, using a models pictures.
  • Lara makes the cheerleading squad

    Lara makes the cheerleading squad
    When Lara makes the cheerleading squad and Bree doesn't, she decides to get revenge. She goes home and decides to make a fake facebook posing as Christian DeWitt, so she could catfish Lara and mess up her life.
  • Bree confesses

    Bree confesses
    After Bree's mom steps out of the room Bree breaks down when the detective and policeman question her some more. They ask her and she confesses that she made the fake account and that her mom, and her friend had a part to play in it.
  • The police question Bree

    The police question Bree
    When they figure out that the IP address had been linked to Bree's house they question her and her mom. Her mom tells her to deny anything bout Christian DeWitt and anything involving Lara's suicide attempt.
  • Detectives reveal who it might be

    Detectives reveal who it might be
    After Lara's suicide attempt, detectives looked into the profile of Christian DeWitt. They get an IP address of someone in the same neighborhood as Lara. Lara doesn't want to believe that the person who created the fake profile would be someone in her neighborhood and someone that she knows.
  • The reporters roll in

    The reporters roll in
    When everyone figures out it was Bree and her mother that made this mess, reporters dig for the story. When the Kelleys found out, Mr. Kelley was furious and caused a scene. The reporters came after Bree and her mom, and many news headlines were made about them being cyber bullies.
  • Bree deals with the backlash

    Bree deals with the backlash
    Bree transfers to a new school because of the hate she's getting. She joins the dance team Andy says she was done with cheerleading, so it made things a little better for her. She feels like she wants to change and become someone else instead of being "Bullying Bree", like she was called before. She dyes her hair ink black and her family is angry about it. Her dad consoles her and tells her that they're going to try to fix this mess, and finds out she cut herself.
  • Syd and Liam

    Syd and Liam
    Syd, Lara's sister and Liam, Bree's brother are reconnecting after the incident happened. They hang out in the tree house both of their fathers built, since it hasn't been used since middle school. Syd and Liam end up kissing. Lara sees Syd climb down from the treehouse a couple days later, and tell their mom and dad.
  • Lara apologizes

    Lara apologizes
    Syd gets angry about Lara telling on her and Liam. All of the family members get into a fight over it, and Syd storms off to her bedroom. Lara told her parents to lay off because Syd and Liam had nothing to do with what Bree did. Lara then apologizes to Syd for everything and said she's sorry for making her life so difficult.
  • Lara and Bree see each other

    Lara and Bree see each other
    At a game that Lara was cheering at, and Bree was dancing at they find each other. Lara walks into the bathroom and realizes that it is Bree, and they start talking. They had some casual talk, even though Lara really wanted to know why Bree would want to hurt her as bad as she did. Even though it was anticlimactic, Lara had to calm herself down after the interaction.
  • Lara gets asked to a dance

    Lara gets asked to a dance
    After Lara sees Bree at the game, one of her guy friends asks her to go to the dance. She panics and says no at first. Then a few days later, she apologizes and said she'd love to go with him. She says she's beginning to trust again.