1st Month
Start to coo and make sounds beyond a simple cry.
Brings his hands within range of his eyes and mouth.
Moves his head side to side when lying on his stomach. -
2nd Month
Holds her head up.
Begins to push up when lying on her tummy.
Makes smoother movements with her arms and legs. -
3rd Month
Opens and shuts his hands.
Swipes at dangling objects.
Follows moving objects with his eyes. -
4th Month
Reaches for a toy with one hand.
Holds her head steady, unsupported.
Pushes up onto her elbows when she’s lying on her tummy. -
5th Month
Rolls over from tummy to back.
Explores toys by putting them in his mouth.
Babbles. -
6th Month
Starts creeping along the floor.
Passes things from one hand to the other.
Starts sitting unaided. -
7th Month
Enjoys dropping things on the floor.
Begins to respond to “no”.
Finds partially hidden objects. -
8th Month
Develops a pincer grasp (using the thumb and index finger).
Begins crawling.
Stands while holding onto something. -
9th Month
Makes a lot of different sounds, like “mamamama” and “bababababa”.
Copies sounds and gestures of others.
Uses fingers to point at things. -
10th Month
Explores things in different ways, like shaking, banging and throwing.
Pulls to stand.
Gets into a sitting position without help. -
11th Month
Understands object permanence.
Crawls up the stairs (while supervised).
Makes sounds with changes in tone (sounds more like speech).
Develops separation anxiety. -
12 Month
Uses basic gestures, like shaking his head “no” or waving “bye-bye”.
Starts to use things correctly; for example, drinks from a cup or brushes his hair.
May take a few steps without holding on.
May stand alone.