1st Month
- Is able to bring her hands within range of her eyes and mouth
- Moves her head from side to side while lying on her stomach
- Arms and legs move equally on both sides
2nd Month
- Holds her head up
- Begins to push up when lying on her tummy
- Begins to follow things with her eyes
3rd Month
- Opens and closes her hands
- Brings hand to mouth
- Takes swipes at dangling objects with her hands
4th Month
- Holds her head steady without support
- Pushes up onto her elbows while lying on her tummy
- Rolls from front to back
5th Month
-Brings toys to her mouth
- Able to sit up with little support
- Stronger grip -
6th Month
- Begins to push up to a crawling position
- Stands with help, and bounces up and down with support
- Passes things from hand to hand
7th Month
- Is able to roll both ways
- Supports her whole weight on her legs
- Uses raking grasp
8th Month
- Begins crawling
- Stands while holding onto something -Walks two or three steps by herself
9th Month
- Uses her fingers to point at things
- Feeds herself with her fingers
- Throws or shakes objects
10th Month
- Walks while holding onto someone's hand
- Can go from a seated position to a standing position
- Holds her bottle and cup
11th Month
- Is able to wave
- Takes steps
- Can hold a crayon or pencil and scribble
1 Year !
- Shakes her head to say no
- Walk alone or with one hand held
- Pick up things with the tip of their thumb and index finger