1st Month
- Eyes seem to focus on objects nearby.
- Loves to touch things that are soft.
- Her smell is developing -- she seems to prefer sweet sounds.
2nd Month
- Baby has grown 1.5 inches.
- Smiles and seems to listen to people talk.
- Movements seem less jerky an more fluid.
3rd Month
- Follows objects with her eyes.
- Smiles when she hears your voice.
- Makes eye contact when you talk.
4th Month
- Imitates sounds.
- Is able to roll from her stomach to her back.
- Looks at things in the distance now, too.
5th month
- Reaches, grasps, and holds things with both hands.
- Is able to distinguish between colors.
- Reacts to sounds by turning her head towards the source.
6th Month
- Is interested in touching different textures and shapes.
- Can almost sit up on her own.
- Has begun teething.
7th Month
- Copies patterns and tones in voice.
- Can determine your location from the sound of your voice.
- Can see full range of color.
8th month
- Sits up on her own. -Depth perception is developing -- she can reach and grab things easily.
- Beginning to scoot around for "transportation".
9th month
- Easily recognizes familiar faces.
- Knows where things are when she can't see them -- "object permanence is developing".
- Understands words heard often such as mom, dad, and water.
10th Month.
- Can sit up without any support.
- Has begun to crawl.
- Can pick up things with her thumb and forefinger.
11th Month
- Can stand upright while holding unto a piece of furniture.
- Can recognize objects and even point to them.
- Listens closely.
1 year!!!
- Looks and listens simultaneously.
- Can stand without support for brief moments.
- May even walk a little with support.