Baby Boomer Technology

  • Compact Disc

    Compact Disc
    The Compact Disk, also known as a CD, was invented by James Russell. It did not become very popular until it was mass produced by Phillips 15 years later. It became a much more effective method to store data, and less space consuming as well.
  • Ethernet

    The Ethernet was invented by Robert Metcalfe to make connecting documents, printers, and other devices to the internet. Nearly 250 million new Ethernet ports are shipped worldwide every year.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    The Apple II was one of the first personal computers invented by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. The computer included a sound card, color graphics, expansion slots, and many other new features
  • The Jarvik 7

    The Jarvik 7
    This was created by Dr. Robert Jarvik in hopes to help his father who needed surgery for his failing heart. This was the first device ever implanted inside a human Body. This came before other surgical methods to transplant human organs
  • USB Port

    USB Port
    The USB port was invented by Ajay Bhatt. It is now currently used in more than 10 billion devices worldwide. It was first developed by IBM, Intel Corporation, and Microsoft to make connecting to hardware a lot easier