Period: to
French And Idian War
The French and Indian war was the French and British fighting over the Ohio River Valley the British won. -
King George the 3 forbid hte colonies to setle West of the Appalation Mountains.The lot was reserved for the Indians. -
Stamp Act
Parliament passed a tax on all printed paper to help pay for the French and Idian War. Colonists hated it and protesded. -
Boston Massacre
A solider was geting yelled ate by colonists and called for help but then the group of soliders came and the colonists were throughind ice chunks and snow balls. The soliders shot by acsadent and 5 colonists were hit. -
Boston Tea Party
The sons of liberty who were led by Paul Revere and Samuel Adams through tea off the a boat becouse they didnt wont to be told this is your tea your not allowd to buy any others. -
1st Continental Congress
All the colonies didnt like the new rules so they all met besides George in Philadelphia to talk about there problems with Great Britin. -
Battles of Lexinton and Concord
The British soliders marched from Lexinton to Conderd and killed a few minute men on the way. When they got to Cocoerd they were searching for waepons wich the sons of liberty had allready moved so they couldint find them and got agry and burnt down a few building.On the way back to Lexinton the minute men hid in buildings and other places and killed alot of the Britishes men. It was the first battle against a own country. -
Declaration of Independence
The colonies wanted to break away from Great Britin. Becouse they triyed to contact the king but he ignored them. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adam wrote it. -
Battle of Saratoga
Two out of three british leaders messed up the one that didnt lost the battle to the continentil army it was an American victory. Which ended up being the terning point of Frence and Spains help. -
Surrender at Yorktown
Lord Corn Wallis got draped on a pininsula in Virginia and tried to escape, George Washinton the leader of the Continentil army found him. So Corn Wallis Serrundered and America got the Victory. -
Treaty of Paris
After 2 years Great Britin finaly reconized America as a Independint Country. The Mississippi River as the Wastern Border.