French and indian war pic

B7 Tyshawn

By Pauley
  • The cause: French and indian war

    The cause: French and indian war
    French and grate Brittan faught for the ohio river valley. Both countries bwanted to remain a world power. Brittan won
  • Proclamation of 1763:

    Proclamation of 1763:
    King Georgelll wnated to control westward expansion. This forbid the colonists to settel west of the Applachiann mountains.
  • Stamp act:

    Stamp act:
    Also known as the boston masacuir. colonists taunted and threw snowballs at Brittish soldiers shots were fired and five citizens died.
  • Tea act:

    Tea act:
    Also known as the boston tea party . Sons of liberty led by Samuel Adams and Paul Rever dressed up like indians and threw tea into the boston harbor to protest the tea act.
  • Coercive:

    Parliment passed these to punish the colonists. They inclueded: Closing boston harbos requiering colonists to house british. Soldiers in their homes no more tell meetings colonial govrnment. Govner was in cotrol.