World war ii

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  • Mussolini Takes Power of Italy

    Mussolini Takes Power of Italy
    Benito Mussolini took power of Italy behind the ideas of the Fascist party which he created.
  • U.S. Stock Market Crashes

    U.S. Stock Market Crashes
    On August 24, 1921, the Dow Jones Industrial Average stood at a value of 63.9. By September 3, 1929, it had risen more than sixfold, touching 381.2. It would not regain this level for another twenty-five years. By the summer of 1929, it was clear that the economy was contracting and the stock market went through a series of unsettling price declines. These declines fed investor anxiety and events soon came to a head on October 24 (known as Black Thursday) and October 29 (known as Black Tuesday).
  • Japan Seizes Manchuria

    Japan Seizes Manchuria
    The Japanese invasion of Manchuria began on September 19, 1931, when Manchuria was invaded by the Kwantung Army of the Empire of Japan immediately following the Mukden Incident. The Japanese established a puppet state, called Manchukoku, and their occupation lasted until the end of World War II.
  • FDR is elected president

    FDR is elected president
    FDR is elected to be president of the United States. He beats Hoover by a landslide and promises the American people that he will get them out of the Great Depression. He achieves his goals with the New Deal which offered American’s jobs, and social benefit programs.
  • Hitler is named Chancellor of germany

    Hitler is named Chancellor of germany
    On this day in 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or fÜhrer of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party), as chancellor of Germany.
    The year 1932 had seen Hitler's meteoric rise to prominence in Germany, spurred largely by the German people's frustration with dismal economic conditions and the still-festering wounds inflicted by defeat in the Great War and the harsh peace terms of the Versailles treaty. A charismatic speaker, Hitler channeled popul
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    Italy wanted to expand its Empire, so Ethiopia was a perfect opportunity. It was weak and its access to the Red Sea would come in handy to Italy’s trade market. Italy easily obtained Ethiopia because of its weak military and because no other countries stepped in to defend Ethiopia.
  • Hitler defies the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler defies the Treaty of Versailles
    Hitler, when in power, had not payed back Great Britain or France and was suppose to because of the Treaty of Versailles. He marched some of his military back into Rhineland where he remilitarized Rhineland; this was a direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles. This helped cause World War Two because it showed European countries that Hitler would not follow any written rules.
  • France militarizes Rhineland

    France militarizes Rhineland
    In part of the Treaty of Versailles it was agreed that Germany was not allowed to build on the Rhineland and it should be protected by military forces. In June of 1930 British forces who had been sent there to protect the land returned home along with the French forces seeing that Rhineland was safe. This affects World War II because it leaves Rhineland wanting more and holds Germany to a promise that they would not keep.
  • Civil War erupts in Spain

    Civil War erupts in Spain
    The Spanish army tried to rebel against its government but failed. Germany and Italy gave support to the people rebelling which gained their loyalty. This caused Spanish civilians to supply the countries with information, men, weapons and other demands.
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    The United States of America and other countries had denied Japan resources, Japan had to go in search of its own. China was one of those countries; it had an abundance of natural resources. This contributed to WW2 because it caused the United Stated to provide aid to China which would then in turn caused Japan to become very angry with the USA.
  • Anschluss

    The annexation of Hitler unionized Austria and Germany politcally. This also marked the beginning of Hitler sending Jews, Communists, and other social and racial miniorities to concentration camps.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    This was an agreement made that allowed Germany to annex Sudetenland.
  • Kristallnacht

    Also called "The Night of Broken Glass," this was a series of attacks on Jews throughout Germany, as Hitler blamed the Jews for all of Germany's problems.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    This was an agreement made between Russia and Germany that said that neither country would attack the other for a certain amount of time. They also agreed to trade certain goods and raw materials.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    This is the event that is considered the beginning of WWII. This invasion also influenced France and Great Britain to declare war on Germany.
  • Phony War

    Phony War
    Many countries had big talk in the West but none took action militarily.
  • Churchill Elected Prime Minister in England

    Churchill Elected Prime Minister in England
    After the former Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigned, Churchill became Prime Minister. He was an excellent leader during a tough time for Britain.
  • Miracle at Dunkirk

    Miracle at Dunkirk
    Unable to stop the German assault, thousands of French Soldiers were stuck on the coast at Dunkirk. Allied ships and civilian boats came to help, and 340,000 were rescued.
  • France Surrenders

    France Surrenders
    After Paris was taken over by the German Army, France surrendered to Germany and Italy. An area of the country known as Vichy France was established and led by France.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    This was the first battle of World War II, Britain won the battle and Germany was forced to surrender. This was an important turning point in World War II because this was the first big battle the allied forces won, it showed this would not be a small and short war.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    Program under which the United States of America supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, Free France, and other Allied nations with weapons
  • Japan seizes French Indo China

    Japan seizes French Indo China
    In order to punish Japan the U.S. placed a large embargo on Japeneses oil. Hideki Tojo took control of the Japanese goverment after this even and played a big role in WWII due to his unwillingness to compromise anything.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    the Atlantic Charter was a joint proclamation resulting in an agreement between Britain and the United States to fight the Axis Powers.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    This unexpected Japanese attack on the American port in Hawaii killed nearly 2400 Americans and injured over 1000 more. This devastating defeat to the United States directly led to the US declaration of war against Japan on the very next day.