Ayden Robertson

  • 1100

    Migration to Cuzco Valley

    Migration to Cuzco Valley
    The migrate to the Cuzco Valley and establish their capital at Cuzco. Cuzco the was the capital of the Inca Empire. They controlled the territory from Quito to Santiago making them the largest empire at the time in the Americas.
  • 1425

    Starting to Build the Inca Empire

    Starting to Build the Inca Empire
    Viracocha began building the Inca Empire in 1425 CE. Viracocha is the supreme god of the incas. One of the reasons they called it the Inca Empire was because an empire is something that dominates over another state which exactly what they did from 1438 to 1532.
  • 1438

    The Inca defeats the Chancas

    The Inca defeats the Chancas
    Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui defeats the Chancas to control the Cuzco Valley and expand the Inca empire more. This was also during the time when they started expanding their empire which ended in 1532 CE. They eventually extended their empire past the western south america border.
  • 1450

    The Incas find Machu Picchu

    The Incas find Machu Picchu
    Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui found Machu Picchu in the High Andes. Machu Picchu was built around 1450-1460. Machu Picchu was discovered around 1911 by an american archaeologist named Hiram Bingham. Machu Picchu remains a mystery because the Inca left no sign of why they built it or how they used it.
  • 1470

    The Incas conquer the Chimu civilization

    The Incas conquer the Chimu civilization
    The Incas conquered the Chimu civilization based at Chan Chan. Chan Chan is a large adobe city in the Moche Valley. Which the Inca emperor led a campaign to conquer the chimu around 1470.
  • 1510

    The Inca abandon Machu Picchu

    The Inca abandon Machu Picchu
    The inca abandon the settlement of machu picchu. In the 16th century the spanish appeared in south america inflicting plagues on the inca. In 1572 the last incan capital fell and their line of rulers came to an end.
  • 1532

    Inca domination

    Inca domination
    Throughout the years of 1438 and 1532 the Incas expanded their domain across the Andean region. They restructured the land with engineering and architecture they also restructured the society with social engineering. The Inca domination over the Andes ended in 1532.
  • 1532

    Civil War between the Inca and other leaders

    Civil War between the Inca and other leaders
    Civil war between the Inca leaders Waskar and Atahualpa. The Inca civil war is referred to as the war of 2 brothers it has other names as well. The reason it is called that is because it was a fight between 2 brothers to claim the throne of the inca empire.
  • 1532

    The Battle of Cajamarca

    The Battle of Cajamarca
    The battle of Cajamarca where the inca leader(Atahualpa) is held by spanish forces for ransom. Atahualpa was the incan ruler until 1533 when he was killed by garrote/executed his body was also burned. He was executed for revolting against the spanish and murdering his brother.
  • 1533

    Pizarro takes the last Incan Empire

    Pizarro takes the last Incan Empire
    Pizarro takes the Inca capital of Cuzco. Pizarro marched over tho the last incan empire with his army to stop the last incan emperor. So he went and executed the last incan emperor for his crimes.