
Aydan's Personal Timeline

  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    I was born in Palm Springs California. I was adopted when I was 3 months old.
  • My Brother Was Born

    My brother was born. He is 12 years old now.
  • My First Day Of School

    My First Day Of School
    My first day of preschool. I can't remember much. But I always would like to sit on the red part of the carpet.
  • My Last Brother Was Born

    My last brother was born. His name is Ryker. He is 9 years old today.
  • Moving

    I moved form Fontana California to Stanton California.
  • My First Day OF Kindergarten

    My first day of kinder. This is still one of my favorite teachers I have ver had.
  • My First Scar

    My First Scar
    My first scar. I was jumping a fence in kindergarten because this gir threw a ball voer the fence. When I got to the top it was one of those fences where there is a spike at the top. She pulled my leg and cut my hand open
  • My First Suspension

    My First  Suspension
    I was in second grade. I said I was going to put a bomb under someones chair.
  • My Stupidest Action.

    My stupidest action. I was in second grade and I put glue in my eyes and ran around the class
  • My First Award

    My First Award
    I was in 3rd grade and I got my first award. It was a trophy because I got a 90 or higher on my CST test.
  • Muir Woods

    Muir Woods
    I was visiting my family up in the bay area. WE decided to visit the national park Muir Woods.
  • First Time At Disneyland

    First Time At Disneyland
    This was my first time going to Disneyland. My aunt came down from the bay area and we decided to go to diesneyland.
  • My First BMX Bike

    My First BMX Bike
    My friend and I went to a BMX store and we both bought BMX bikes. We went to the skatepark shortly after.
  • Got a Pro Scooter

    Got a Pro Scooter
    I got my first Pro scooter. It is a Glossy black all lucky brand scooter.
  • Started Young Marines

    Started Young Marines
    Young Marines is basically a program run by feal marines and they train you to become a real marine. It takes place at the Naval Weapons Station in Seal Beach California.