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Avid 7 Timeline

  • Close To death

    Close To death
    While im sleeping im then suffocated by my blinket.After that my grandmother saves me by waking my mother up with some force.My grandmother who had passed away did this.
  • First Fishing Trip

    First Fishing Trip
    Its was a summer day me and my dad were heading out to ed eleven for kids fishing day .I was going crazy on they way there.I messed up at the park trying to practice but after a while i got it.When we began fishing I got a bite right away .
  • First Console

    First Console
    Its my birthday and i turned 5.I decided that I wanted an xbox for my present and that started my love for gaming.
  • Move Schools

    Move Schools
    In this event I moved to sinnott and this is where I met alot of my friends
  • Science Camp

    Science Camp
    In this event I went on my first trip to Science Camp.This event was very memorable and taught me more about nature.
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    In this event I received my first communion.This is important because its a major event in my religion.