New York Journeymen Printers
Philadelphia Cordwainers (shoemakers) organize
Commonwealth vs. Hunt
US Civil War
National Labor Union
Knights of Labor formed
40 year span of Labor Unrest 'starts'
Panic of 1873 & Long Depression
Great Railroad Strike
Pres. Garfield Assassinated
Chinese Exclusion Act
KoL membership 700,000
Haymarket Square
AFL formed
Sherman Antitrust Act
Homestead Strike
Pullman Company Strike
Spanish-American War
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) formed
Peak Year of European Immigration to USA - 1.28 million
Labor Unrest Abates
Department of Labor formed
Clayton Act
World War I begins
US Population reaches 100 million
Bolsheviks gain power in Russia
AFL membership > 4 million
US Bureau of Budget established
Railway Labor Act
Wall Street Crash
Norris-LaGuardia Act
National Industrial Recovery Act
Nartional Mediation Board
Wagner Act (NLRA)
Social Security Act
CIO formation announced
Over 4,300 Strikes in 1941
4,750 strikes in 1945
Taft-Hartley Act
Korean War
AFL-CIO formed
Landrum-Griffin Act
Exec Order 10988 - Federal Employee Unions - bargaining
Gulf of Tonkin - Vietman War
Civil Service Reform Act
Trade Union Membership Peak 13.2 million
PATCO strike
Change to Win Formed
Union Membership 7 million