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Avances Tecnologicos

  • 10,000 BCE

    La Revolucion Neolitico

    La Revolucion Neolitico
    Period in which the first agricultural practices were discovered and the nomadic lifestyle was abandoned to settle in small towns.
  • 4000 BCE


    Foundation of the first city called Uruk, in Sumeria, ancient Mesopotamia.
  • 3000 BCE

    Invencion De la Escritura

    Invencion De la Escritura
    Invention of writing and end of Prehistory.
  • 387 BCE

    Escuela De Atenas

    Escuela De Atenas
    Plato founds the Academy of Athens.
  • 47 BCE

    Quema de la Biblioteca de Alejandria

    Quema de la Biblioteca de Alejandria
    Burning of the Library of Alexandria.
  • 476

    Inicio de la Edad Media

    Inicio de la Edad Media
    Beginning of the Middle Ages and obscurantism.
  • 900

    Invencion De La Brujula

    Invencion De La Brujula
    Invention of the compass, in China.
  • 1492

    Colon llega a America

    Colon llega a America
    Columbus arrives in America. Beginning of the Modern Age.
  • 1543

    Nicolas Copernico

    Nicolas Copernico
    Nicholas Copernicus publishes his heliocentric theory.
  • Maquina De Vapor

    Maquina De Vapor
    The first steam engine is built and the Industrial Revolution begins.
  • Revolucion Industrial

    Revolucion Industrial
    The Second Industrial Revolution begins.
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    The USSR launches the first artificial satellite into orbit: Sputnik 1.
  • Primera Computadora

    Primera Computadora
    The first personal computer is marketed under the IBM brand.
  • Genoma Humano

    Genoma Humano
    90% of the human genome has been sequenced.