Object Permanence
Ava begins to enjoy playing peek-a-boo. She enjoys this game due to her lack of object permanence. Object permanence is having the understanding that objects, such as people or toys, continue to exist even when they are not in the field of view or when they are not being touched. (Pg. 149) According to Piaget's experiments, he concluded that in their first year of life, infants have a minimal awareness of object permanence. Around 8-12 months is the stage in which infants being to develop an awa -
Sibling Rivalry
Ava sister Lucy is born. Ava's immediate reaction to this birth is jealousy, which is common. In 1988 in a study done by Whiting and Edward, 12 cultures were studies on multiple issues, and there was a wide variability on most issues, but in all 12 cultures jealousy was observed as a common response to the birth of a younger sibling. She is jealous now, but she will warm up to Lucy soon and become a loving sister who will care for her. From the outset, young children expressed love as well as je -
Social skills
Ava struggled during infancy socializing with others and having friends. She was talkative around trusted adults, but quick to back down from social situations with other children her age. Lately at school she has been socializing with other kids, and forming friendships. She gets along with other girls at school, but not too much with boys; this is probably due to selective association, people tend to prefer being around others who are like themselves. (Popp)