Ava's life

  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    I was born at paradise valley hospital in phoenix. I was a healthy baby..
  • Going to living word(church) for the first time

    Going to living word(church) for the first time
    II would got to the church every Saturday night. After the service the kids would stay for a few hours to play games and hang out. I was usually left the church around 10:00pm. I was shy but I was still able to make friends.
  • Co-op school

    Co-op school
    I was homeschooled when I was younger but once a week I would go to a school for a day with other homeschooled kids. As far as I can remember, there was no grades.
  • Started to learn Chinese

    Started to learn Chinese
    I would go to a school every Sunday to learn. On the first day i was excited. .I would raise my hand very often but I always said the wrong answer. After a while I stopped liking it and started to resent it.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I doing school online for all of middle school and for half of freshman year. For awhile I was comfortable with the routine especially since I would always finish my work before lunch but it started to feel lonely.
  • I start going to Mountain View

    I start going to Mountain View
    I was homeschooled for a long time and it started to get lonely. I was very nervous but I glad I went through with it. It felt weird sticking to a strict schedule but I eventually got used to it and had fun learning with other people.
  • Shopping for my Friend's party

    Shopping for my Friend's party
    My friend hosted a homecoming party at his house so I bought a dress at the buffalo Exchange. I had to go get shoes and a purse on a separate day. .(note: the dress in the picture)
  • Party!!!

    Two of my friends hosted a party! They provided dinner for everyone. I had fun talking to new people and hanging out. I didn't stay long though.