Autumn's Personal Timeline

  • I came into the world on November 3. Born in Henrico

  • Period: to


  • 1st Birthday

    The only time I ate my birthday cake with my hand
  • The first Nintendo Ds came out

    I got an Nintendo for my 6th birthday for good behavior at school
  • I moved from Henrico to King William to live with my Grandma and my Great Grandma

    I had to live with my grandmothers because my mother was sick and she couldn't watch me at the time
  • 10th Birthday

  • My first CT Scan

    I was 11 when i got my first CT Scan. I got the scan on my head because I had a massive headache then ended up having a seizure and was taken to the ER
  • I moved to my Great Great Great Grandma

    I moved with grandma because my grandpa was sick with Cancer my mom moved to take care of him til the end.
  • I meet my little brother

    I got to my little brother who is now 1.
  • I moved from King William to stay with my Dad and my Stepmom