
Autumn S.- American Revolution

  • 1.) Battle of Lexington

    1.) Battle of Lexington
    American victory.
    VIP(s): Paul Rever, General Gage
    First Battle.
  • 4.) Second Continental Congress Meets

    4.) Second Continental Congress Meets
    A convention of 13 delegates that started meeting.
  • 6.) George Washington named commander-in-chief

    6.) George Washington named commander-in-chief
  • 5.) Battle of Bunker Hill

    5.) Battle of Bunker Hill
    British victory.
    VIP(s): William Prescott, Samuel Graves
    British captured Charleston Peninsula.
  • 3.) American defeat at Quebec

    3.) American defeat at Quebec
    British victory.
    VIP(s): General Montgomery, General Benedict Arnold
    Kept the Americans out of Canada.
  • 8.) British Evacuate Boston

    8.) British Evacuate Boston
    VIP(s): General John Thomas
    Riled up colonists.
  • 10.) Declaration of Independence issued

    10.) Declaration of Independence issued
    VIP(s): Thomas Jefferson
    56 signed, it was created to announce and explain seperation from Great Britain.
  • 9.) Battle of Long Island

    9.) Battle of Long Island
    British victory.
    VIP(s): William Howe
    Continential Army driven out of New York.
  • 11.) British Occupy New York City

    11.) British Occupy New York City
    Washington lost close to 1,700 men and lost a vast amount of munition.
  • 7.) Battle of Trenton

    7.) Battle of Trenton
    American victory.
    VIP(s): George Washington
    This event helped recruit soldiers and convinced others to derve longer.
  • 2.) Capture of Ticonderoga

    2.) Capture of Ticonderoga
    British victory.
    VIP(s): General John Burgoyne
    British gained much needed supplies
  • 15.) Battle of Brandywire

    15.) Battle of Brandywire
    British victory.
    VIP(s): Charles Cornwall
    British captured Brandywire and stayed.
  • 12.) Battle of Saratoga

    12.) Battle of Saratoga
    British victory.
    VIP(s): Haratio Gates
    Americans captured a large portion of British defences.
  • 13.) British Occupy Philadelphia

    13.) British Occupy Philadelphia
  • 14.) Articles of Confederation adopted

    14.) Articles of Confederation adopted
    VIP(s): Continental Congress
    Document provided a stronger national government.
  • 16.) Winter at Valley Forge

    16.) Winter at Valley Forge
    Washingtons solider training camp
  • 19.) Alliance with France

    19.) Alliance with France
    Document promised military support in case of attack by the British.
  • 17.) Battle of Monmouth Court House

    17.) Battle of Monmouth Court House
    British victory.
    VIP(s): Henery Clinton
    This battle began the legend of Molly Fisher.
  • 18.) Fall of Savannah

    18.) Fall of Savannah
    British victory.
    VIP(s): Archibald Campell
  • 20.) Spain Enters the War

    20.) Spain Enters the War
    Provided much needed military supplies.
  • 21.) Siege of Charleston

    21.) Siege of Charleston
    British victory.
    VIP(s): Benjamin Lincoln
    British gained 5,000 me.
  • 22.) Benedict Arnolds Treason Discovered

    22.) Benedict Arnolds Treason Discovered
  • 23.) French and Brtish Battle in Chesapeake Bay

    23.) French and Brtish Battle in Chesapeake Bay
    Franco-American victory.
    VIP(s): Comte de Frasse
    This battle secured americans independence.
  • 24.) Seige of Yorktown

    Franco-American victory.
    VIP(s): George Washington
    General Cornwallis surrenders.
  • 25.) Cornwallis Surrenders