
By Lennium
  • The Birth of Lennium Liou

    The Birth of Lennium Liou
    My birthday/the day I was born
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • Kindergarten

    The day I started Kindergarten at Southridge Public School
  • Moving out

    Moving out
    Moving out of our old house into the one I now live in. (Inaccurate picture).
  • Moving in

    Moving in
    Moving into the house that I now live in. (Inaccurate Picture).
  • School Switch

    School Switch
    Switching from Southridge Public School to Sandhills Public School.
  • Ball is Life

    Ball is Life
    Getting a basketball net to play ball outside our house.
  • Elementary School Graduation

    Elementary School Graduation
    Graduation from Sandhills Public School.
  • First Day #1

    First Day #1
    First day of Middle School.
  • Ball is still life

    Ball is still life
    Got a new basketball net because the other one broke.
  • Pool table

    Pool table
    The day I got a pool table.
  • Gaming Begins

    Gaming Begins
    The day I got a computer that can actually run video games. (Picture is a very inaccurate representation of what I actually have).
  • Middle School Graduation

    Middle School Graduation
    Graduation from Westheights Public School with the following awards:
    -W Award
    -Coaches Award
    -Honor Roll
  • First Day #2

    First Day #2
    First day of High School.
  • The day I got a job

    The day I got a job
    The day I got my part time job at Hot Wok.