Australia's Involvement In WWII

  • Anti-Semitism

    The Nazi's gained popularity by starting an anti-Jewish Propaganda. Hitler made a book and millions of people bought it and the main purpose of the book was to tell the people about the removal of Jewish people.
  • Signing of the Munich Pact

    The Munich Pact was signed by Germany, Italy, France, and Great Britain. This pact gave Germany permission to have Sudetenland but after having control of Sudetenland Germany shall take no more land.
  • Australia At War

    On 3 September 1939, Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies announced that Australia was now involved in war with Germany.
  • The Royal Australian Navy's Entry

    In 1940 The Royal Australian Navy was used for the first time in WWII against the Italians.
  • Libya and The Seige Of Tobruk

    In 1941, Australians fought in land and air campaigns in Egypt and Libya in North Africa. Three AIF divisions - the 6th, 7th and 9th - fought in those countries.
  • Operation Mercury

    Allied flak teams destroy as many as 50% of the invading German transport planes in the first few hours of the operation.
  • Allies inercept German invasion

    Allied codebreakers intercept word of the impending German invasion of Crete.
  • Allied forces recieve new leader

    Allied forces based on Crete receive a new leader in the form of Major-General Bernard Freyberg.
  • RAF Frighters Relocated

    In advance of the Crete invasion, RAF fighters are relocated to Egypt for safe-keeping.
  • Surrender of Germany

    On the 7th of May 1945 Germany signed a surrender form. This lead to the end of World War 2
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    After the first atomic bomb, in Hiroshima, another bomb was dropped in Nagasaki. This atomic bomb killed 40,000 people.