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Australia's History - Dontae M.

  • Period: to


  • Dutch Exploration

    Dutch Exploration
    Dutch sailed to Australia but didn't stay.
  • British Exploration

    British Exploration
    Captain James Cook sailed around Australia for Great British. He discovered and named the state of New South Wales.
  • Prisoners

    British prisoners settled in Australia on the "First Fleet".
  • States Are Created

    States Are Created
    Government officials created political boundaries that are still in place today.
  • Last Prisoners Sent

    Last Prisoners Sent
    Last prisoners were sent to Australia, then Great Britain stopped sending prisoners to Australia.
  • Commonwealth of Australia

    Commonwealth of Australia
    Commonwealth of Australia was established.
  • Capital of Canberra

    Capital of Canberra
    Canberra was completed and became the capital.
  • Help the Aborigines!

    Help the Aborigines!
    Federal government began passing laws to help the Aborigines.
  • Country of Australia

    Country of Australia
    Australia Act was passed. All legal ties with the British Empire were cut and Australia became an independent country.
  • Vote for the Queen!

    Vote for the Queen!
    A vote was taken to see how many Australians wanted to or didn't want to keep Queen Elizabeth II as the queen of Australia. 55% of voters wanted to keep the queen.