Australian Timeline

  • 70,000 BCE

    Mungo Man's Ancestors ventured out of Africa

    Mungo Man's Ancestors ventured out of Africa
    Mungo Man and his ancestors were the first modern people to leave Africa, (70 000 years ago). They migrated to Australia through Asia until they reached a large body of open ocean that separated land. To cross this, they may have made the earliest creation of a form of water transport (boat). This occurred over thousands of years with the ancestors not knowing if there was even land across the water.
  • Period: 70,000 BCE to

    Trading Economy

    The Aboriginal people did not have a specific currency so they traded to survive. This made their economy stable and unique and helped them survive for hundreds of thousands of years
  • 65,000 BCE

    Earliest Sign of Rock Shelter

    Earliest Sign of Rock Shelter
    Margret, an Aboriginal descendant of an ancient tribe of people who lived in a rock shelter for more than 65 000 years. The shelter was carved by humans and was created 40 000 years before one of the wonders of the world currently; the Stonehenge.
  • Period: 50,000 BCE to 60,000 BCE

    The Earliest Sign of Human Occupation

    The Earliest sign of Human Occupation is 50 000 to 60 000 years ago. The discovering of Mother Yigana created this estimated time span.
  • 42,000 BCE

    Mungo Man's Death

    Mungo Man's Death
    Mungo Man is the Oldest evidence of Human remains, outside Africa. Through research and examinations, it was made out that he was roughly 6 foot tall, had tampered with his teeth with the help of tools and he was an active, strong and healthy person and developed arthritis due to this. Mungo Man is currently being studied and preserved in the Australia National University.
  • 42,000 BCE

    Earliest Evidence of Spiritual Belief

    Earliest Evidence of Spiritual Belief
    His deceased body was buried in a ceremonial way that may have signified the earliest recording of spiritual beliefs. Through research people found that one of his teeth were removed. This was probably through a ceremony and this probably meant he was an important figure in his tribe.
  • 40,000 BCE

    More Discoveries of Rock Paintings

    More Discoveries of Rock Paintings
    Furthermore discoveries of rock paintings of surrounding areas and creatures were displayed in various shelters. These rock paintings showed long distance communication as similar inscriptions were found elsewhere far apart.
  • 40,000 BCE

    Rock Paintings of Creatures

    Rock Paintings of Creatures
    Some rock paintings showed extinct animals that wandered the land. One of these paintings were of a large, flightless bird that were extinct for 40 000 years ago. A more recent extinct animal that was displayed on these rocks was the Tasmanian Tiger which was extinct in 1936.
  • 35,000 BCE

    Sign Of Basic Tools

    Sign Of Basic Tools
    Aboriginal civilization created tools to help them survive. These tools were extremely advanced and were able to sustain Aboriginal people's lifestyles. The tools were used to harness food sources, agriculture, aquaculture and homes.
  • 35,000 BCE

    Largest Oldest Gallery

    Largest Oldest Gallery
    This is the oldest rock art gallery in the world and is full of intricate rock carvings. The paintings provide many stories and among these paintings was the first human face drawn.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Aboriginal Maps

    Aboriginal Maps
    These maps may potentially have been the earliest form of maps. These maps showed paths to water sources, food sources and other shelters that were either far in length or short.
  • Captain Cooks Arrival

    Captain Cooks Arrival
    Captain Cook, a sailor of Britain sailed the oceans to Australia to seek a great extent of land and to take possession of it for Britain, even if there was already a civilization there. Captain Cook took Australia or New Holland as it was known then as Britain's own.
  • Captain Cook Returns to Britain

    Captain Cook Returns to Britain
    Captain Cook returned to Britain after circling the world and alerted them of the land that he had claimed for them, Australia.
  • The First Fleets Arrival

    The First Fleets Arrival
    The First Fleet arrived on Australian shore in 1788. The fleet consisted of 11 ships and more than 1480 people on board. Although most were British, there were also African, American and French convicts. The mission of the First Fleet was to empty the gaols of Britain since America declared independence and their gaols were overflowing. The captain of the fleet was Arthur Philip. This was the start of dark times.
  • Federation of Australia

    Federation of Australia
    The Federation of Australia was created by the 6 thriving colonies known as Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia. This federation decided to unite and create the commonwealth of Australia.
  • Period: to

    White Australia Policy

    The white Australia policy was created to try to drive non-white people out of Australia and it was highly racist towards all races besides the white people. This policy was used to create a sense of white superiority as well as to show that other races were lacking in qualities compared to the white. This policy was approved by the Australian government at the time and this policy lasted more than 70 years.
  • Period: to

    The Stolen Generation

    The Stolen Generation is a long period of devastation and distraught for many. This event caused families to be torn, caused people to become depressed and caused nation wide regret and guiltiness. Children of Aboriginal families were taken from their families and were forced into the white culture. The Aboriginals slowly lost their culture, language and their history due to the attempts and lies that were fabricated to hide their true history.
  • The First Indigenous Member Of Parliament

    The First Indigenous Member Of Parliament
    The first Indigenous member of the Australian parliament was Neville Bonner who joined in 1971. He represented Queensland in the Senate. He was born in 1922 and passed away in 1999. He was an active Aboriginal rights person and dedicated most of his life this. He is a well respected senator and well known for his actions, fighting for his race's liberation. He is part of the Liberal Party.
  • Kevin Rudd's Apology

    Kevin Rudd's Apology
    Kevin Rudd, the prime minister of Australia from 2007 to 2010 as well as coming back for one more year in 2013. As prime minister he spoke on behalf of the government and created the well known "Sorry Speech". He apologized for the wrongs that the past governments have committed, for the degrading policies and for the actions that the government has taken against them in the past. This was a powerful message, spread throughout Australia and with almost everyone spectating the message.