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History of Australia

  • Sailing to Australia

    Sailing to Australia
    The Dutch were the first Europeans to sail to Australia in 1606. They didn't settle nor did they continue exploration because the Aborigines attacked them.
  • Period: to

    History of Australia

  • Sailing with Captain James Cook

    Sailing with Captain James Cook
    In 1770, Captain James Cook sailed around Australia and named it New South Wales. They ignored the Aborigines and claimed the land.
  • Colonizing of Prisoners

    Colonizing of Prisoners
    After the American Revolution, Britain lost the colonies so they had to stop sending prisoners to Georgia which was being used as a penal colony. While looking for other places to put the prisoners they found Australia, few indigenous people lived there so it was perfect.
  • New South Wales

    New South Wales
    New South Wales was officially a penal colony which many marines, convicts, and the marine's families lived. The transportation of prisoners to Australia lasted until 1868, right around the time where many immigrants were settling there.
  • The Aborigines Mistreatment

    The Aborigines Mistreatment
    The Aborigines' land was being invaded and conquered, not only that but they were treated horribly. In the 1830's remnants of the tribes in the settled areas were moved onto reserves. During the 1900's separation was an official government policy that lasted for decades.
  • The Island of the Dead

    The Island of the Dead
    From 1833 to 1850, Port Arthur was where the hardest convicted British and Irish criminals were because they were re-offenders after they arrived to Australia. Port Arthur, also known as The Island of the Dead was a place where these re-offenders died in prison camps.
  • Australia's Commonwealth

    Australia's Commonwealth
    On January, 1901 the Commonwealth of Australia was established. Around this time Melbourne was the national capital until Canberra was completed in 1927.
  • White Australia Policy

    White Australia Policy
    Australia promoted a policy called "White Australia" because they wouldn't allow non-Caucasians to immigrate to Australia which has since been changed. Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 restricted migration of people primarily of European descent.
  • Aborigine Strike

    Aborigine Strike
    In 1967, federal government began to pass legislation to help the Aborigine. In March, Aborigine farms were on strike which changed political history by answering the demands for equal wages.
  • The Australian Act

    The Australian Act
    In 1986, the Australian Act claimed that all legal ties with the British Empire would be cut off. Australia is now a parliamentary democracy with Elizabeth the II as queen. In 1999, 55% of voters rejected the idea of becoming an independent republic.