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Australian Timeline

By ec1996
  • Captain James Cook

    Captain James Cook
    Captain James Cook : discovered Australia. He sailed from England and came across Australia.
  • Captain Authur Phillp

    Captain Authur Phillp
    Captain AuthurPhillp sailed with 11 boats with over 800 convicts on the 11 boats.
  • Queens birthday

    Queens birthday
    The queens birthday was in 1788.There will be a huge celebration for the queen.
  • Aboriginal population

    Aboriginal population
    In 1788 Aboriginal population they through that 700’50’000 Australians were alive.
  • The first bank

    The first bank
    The first bank was made in 1789. The people who had the bissness had lots of money
  • Ned kelly gang

    Ned kelly gang
    The ned kelly gang had very nasty people who would still things like money, clothing and food.
  • Gold rush

    Gold rush
    In 1850 the gold rush happen and lots of people came to Australia to look for gold.
  • Explorers

    Bourke,Wills,grey and king set off to get to the end of Australia the way back Grey,Wills and Bourke died on the way back and King was rescued.
  • Edmund Barton

    Edmund Barton
    Edmund Barton pasted constitution.(past all the laws)
  • Prime minister

    Prime minister
    Edmund Barton became the first Prime minister because he past all the laws.
  • Canberra is found

    Canberra is found
    Canberra was found 1911 and Charles Throsby Smith, Joseph Wild and James Vaughan.
  • when my dad is born

    when my dad is born
    My dad was born 11th of June 1964. We always give him hugs and kisses on he his birthday.
  • When my Mum was born

    When my Mum was born
    My mum was born 26 of October 1966 now we celebrate big parties when she is 50 years old.
  • When my sister was born

    When my sister was born
    My sister was born in 17 of April 2000.
  • When my brother was born

    When my brother was born
    My brother was born in 26th of September and we always create things to make that every one knows that it is my brothers birthday.
  • When my other sister was born

    When my other sister was born
    My sister was born in 2004 and every years we celebrate her birthday and give her presents.
  • When Our family brought our house

    When Our family brought our house
    2005 we bought our house and we have been living in it for 12 years.
  • when we bought our dog

    when we bought our dog
    Our bought our dog when we bought our house in 2005.
  • When my other brother was born

    When my other brother was born
    My brother was born in 30th of January 2006 and always gets excited in the morning when it is his birthday.
  • When Elizabeth was born

    When Elizabeth was born
    I was born 4th of August and every year we celebrate my birthday.