Australian Timeline

  • 65,000 BCE


    Prior to the tectonic plates breaking apart, the first Indigenous Australians arrived from Africa. They traveled by foot, then they came to the sea. Building boats, they became the first people to cross the ocean in humanity.
  • 65,000 BCE


    Evidence of animals have been found existing 65000 years or more ago.
  • 55,000 BCE


    The Aboriginal Creation Mother, Yingana, was believed to carry her babies from far North, and placed each of them in a different part of Australia.
  • 50,000 BCE

    Evidence of Human Existence

    Evidence of human existence has been found from at least 50000 years ago.
  • 48,000 BCE

    Rock Shelter

    Rock Shelter
    Rock Shelter was built in Arnhem Land, 48,000 years ago.
  • 48,000 BCE

    Making of Rock Shelter

    Indigenous Australians hollowed out rock to make Rock Shelter.
  • 42,000 BCE

    Mungo Man

    Mungo Man
    Mungo Man and his people lived in Australia. His remains were found in 1974.
  • 40,000 BCE

    Genyornis Extinction

    Genyornis Extinction
    A rock art of a giant bird, Genyornis, was found, believing to be painted more than 42,000 years ago. 40,000 years ago, the Genyornis went extinct.
  • 40,000 BCE

    Tools and Weapon

    Tools and Weapon
    Indigenous Australians were the first modern people who made stone and ground tools, 40,000 years before Stonehenge.
  • 30,000 BCE

    Murujuga Rock Art

    Murujuga Rock Art
    25-30,000 years ago, the Indigenous people living in Murujaga did rock art that is now recognised as the largest concentration of ancient rock art in the world.
  • Industrial Revolution 1

    Industrial Revolution 1
    The Industrial Revolution was the start of factories and machines. Prior to this, people used to hand make their belongings, and traded for things. During the IR, factories were created to speed up the progress. People began to invent machinery that made life easier. This caused America, formerly part of Britain, to declare independence. A war broke out, and America won. Around this time, the people in Britain started to move to the city. Continued...
  • Industrial Revolution 2

    They thought that they could get a stable job, a house and money. But since a lot of people came to the city, there were too little jobs and too little houses. Lots of people were also underpaid, and many were unemployed. This drove people to steal and commit other crimes to survive. Many of these people were caught, and the gaols were soon overflowed. Due to the harsh conditions in the gaols, disease spread and lots of people were sick. Britain had to find somewhere to send there prisoners.
  • Captain Cook's Discovery

    Captain Cook's Discovery
    Lieutenant Cook found Australia, and charted Australia on the map.
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    The First Fleet was made of 11 ships. Their main purpose was to transport convicts from Britain to Australia, and 'unoccupied' land. There were also free settlers, who wanted farming land. The FF left Portsmouth in 1787, and arrived in 1788.
  • Australian Gold Rush

    Australian Gold Rush
    Due to discoveries of gold, many people came to Australia to mine for gold. They hoped to get rich and be able to live a comfortable life. The conditions at the goldmines were terrible. Many people got sick, and died before finding gold.
  • First PM Elected

    First PM Elected
    Edmund Barton was elected in 1901. He stayed in office until 1903.
  • Stolen Generation

    The British people stole Aboriginal children who were 'half-caste' and tried to change them into 'white people' by erasing their culture.