Australian Timeline

  • The First Fleet Arrives at Sydney Cove

    The First Fleet Arrives at Sydney Cove
    The first fleet landed in botany bay and setted up the first european colony in australia
  • Gold Rush Begins

    Gold Rush Begins
    in 1851 a prospector found flecks of gold in a waterhole near bathurst. soon more gold was found in victoria starting a gold rush
  • Eureka Stockade

    Eureka Stockade
    The eureka stockade was a rebellion in which prospectors sought reforms and the abolishment of miners licences. it wa named due to where they set up their fortifications, at eureka goldfield
  • Convict Transportation Ends

    after 80 years of convicts being sent to Australia. This was due to the vast majority of the now free people not wanting more convicts to be sent over
  • Free Education introduced

    In 1872 the new premier James Francis set up the public education system.
  • Federation of Australian Colonies

    In 1901 the 6 British colonies of Australia united to form Australia as we know it today.
  • Women Granted Vote in Federal Elections

  • Canberra is founded and designated as the capital

  • Australian Troops land at Gallipoli

    Allied forces land at Gallipoli with the hopes that they could weaken the Ottoman Empire and advance further. During this campaign they moved very little and by January of 1916 all troops were withdrawn.
  • End of World War 1