Introduction of the white Australian Policy
The White Australian Policy was, made to stop people from other cultures coming into Australia. -
Australian Federation
The Australian Federation is significant to Australia's history because marks when Australia became an independent nation -
World War One Starts
This war was significant to Australians because it was the first time we fought under our own flag -
World War One Ends
Start of World War Two
Australia entered World War Two to strengthen it's ties to Brittan -
Victory In Europe- WW2
Victory in Japan
Signing of the SEATO Treaty
The SEATO Treaty tied Australians closer to America instead of Great Brittan. -
Start of Vietnam War
Australia became involved in the Vietnam War mainly the support the United States -
Neville Bonner elected to parliament
This was very significant to Australia's history because Neville Bonner was the first Aboriginal person to sit in Federal Parliament as a Senator for Queensland from 1971 to 1983. -
Finish of ttnam Warhe Vie
Start of the Gulf War
Fight was about taking the "weapons of mass destruction" way from Iraq. Statement that these were a "direct and undeniable and lethal threat to Australia", as well as to remove "a dictatorship of a particularly horrific kind". -
Finish of Gulf War
The Mabo decision
The Mabo Decision was largely significant to Australia's history because it recognised Aboriginal people as, people, and recognised that they were the true land owners of Australia. -
Native Title act
The Native Title act, followed the Mabo decision, acknowledging Aboriginal people owned the land first. -
Start of the Afghanistan War
Australian military forces were committed to coalition military operations against the Taliban government of Afghanistan in October 2001 as part of what became Operation Enduring Freedom. Australian Defence Force activities in Afghanistan since that date have been known as Operation Slipper, "an important component of the Australian Government's commitment to working together with the international community to help prevent acts of terrorism around t -
Start of the Iraq War
The initial Australian force consisted of; three Royal Australian Navy ships, 500 special forces soldiers, P-3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft, C-130 Hercules transport aircraft and No. 75 Squadron RAAF (which included 14 F/A-18 Hornet fighters). Combat forces committed to Operation Falconer for the 2003 Invasion were withdrawn during 2003. Under the name Operation Catalyst, Australian combat troops were redeployed to Iraq in 2005, however, and assumed respons -
Kevin Rudd apologised to the Stolen generations
Thousands of Aboriginal Australians gathered in Canberra to watch the historic apology, which was televised around the nation and shown at special outdoor settings in remote indigenous communities. -
First Australian Prime Minister removed from office before finishing a full term
Kevin Rudd was removed from power, this was significant because it lead to the first female Prime Minister -
First Woman Prime Minister
This was significant to Australia's history because it was the first time Australia have ever had a female Prime Minister