The Departure of The First Fleets
The First Fleet was a name given to eleven ships. The ships consisted of 10 civil officers, 212 marines including officers, 28 wives, 17 children of the marines, 81 free persons, 504 male convicts and 192 female convicts. -
The Arrival of The First Fleet
It took the Fleet 8 or so months to reach where they wanted to go. They first reached Botany Bay on the 18 of January, 1788 after sailing south of Van Deimen's Land, then North to NSW. But they decided that Botany Bay was not a suitable site for settlement due to the water supply and poor soil. The members of the First Fleet arrived at Port Jackson to start a settlement, Arthur Phillip named the place of landing Sydney Cove, after Lord Sydney, and official who had helped organise the voyage -
The Beginning of the Gold Rush
There is no doubt that the gold rushes had a huge effect on the Australian economy and our development as a nation. In 1851, Edward Hargraves discovered a grain of gold in a waterhole in Bathurst. The discovery marked the beginning of the Australian Gold rushes and a radical change in the economic and social fabric of the nation -
The End of Gold Rush
The Gold Rushes started to end in the 1930s, but some gold rushes started to randomly happend in different areas of Australia, but the gold rush even still goes on today. -
Post War Migration
In the immediate aftermath of World War II, Ben Chifley, Prime Minister of Australia from 1945 to 1949, established the Federal Department of Immigration and launched a large scale immigration program. Chifley commissioned a report on the subject that found Australia was in urgent need of a larger population for the purposes of defence and development and it recommended a 1% annual increase in population through increased immigration -
Indochinese Migration
The Indochina Migration and Refugee Act was passed on by President Gearld Ford, which was a response of the Fall of Saigon and the ending of the Vietnam war. Around 130,000 refugees from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were allowed to enter the USA under a special status, and the act allowed for special relocation aid and financial assistance for the migrants -
Modern Migration
Nowdays, people migrate from all around the world to Australia to live a better life, to have a better education, and to have a livable life.