Australian Immigration.

  • First Fleet & Convicts.

    First Fleet & Convicts.
    Captain Arthur Phillip set sail on May 13th 1787. He arrived in New South Wales with 717 convicts, 180 were women.
    It changed Australia's Art, Culture etc, just by Europeans coming.
    The ships arrived at Botany Bay between 18 - 20 January.
  • The Gold Rush.

    The Gold Rush.
    The Australian Gold Rush started in 1851 when Edward Hammond Hargaves claimed that there was payable gold near Bathurst , NSW. Later, there was Gold discovered in all the Australian states.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    Word War One, also known as the Word War or the Great War, which began on the 28th of July 1914 - 11th of November 1918.
    On the 28th of July the war started with the Austro - Hungarian invasian of Serbia, trailed by the German invasion of Belgium, Luxembourg and France.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    Word War 2 was a global phenomenon which went underway on the 1st of September 1939 and ended in 1949. Even though other countries were already fighting in wars, it usually states word war 2 as 1939.
  • IndoChina Migration.

    IndoChina Migration.
    President Gerald Ford acted on to the war in Saigon, so after that around 130,000 mirants shipped from South Saigon and Cambodia to the United States Of America.
    With Mr.Ford's extremely amazing generosity, the Vietnamese and Cambodians got back on their feet with the help of money assistance and houses.