Australian Histroy

  • Spinning Jenny invented

    The spinning jenny was created by James Hargreaves, he was born in Oswaldtwistle, England in 1720. The spinning jenny used eight spindles, It had one single wheel and it controlled the eight spindles which created a weave using 8 threads. Later modles of the spinning had up to one hundred and twenty spindes. The spinning jenny had a big impact of our lives today beacase it allowed one person to do the job of several other people. This effectively ended the cottage industry era.
  • James Watt invented the steam engine

    James Watt invented the steam engine. The steam engine could power massive machines, industries could produce what they were making even faster then what they were before. The engine was fuelled by coal. This brought us into the Industry era. Which built more machines to fuel our ever growing world.
  • First Fleet arrive at Botany Bay

    The first fleet was a group of eleven ships that brought convicts, free settlers and many children to Australia. The first fleet had a big impact of our Australian lives today. If the fist fleet never came to Australia we would all be talking French, German or we would all be Aboriginals or Torres Strait Islander people. First Fleet started to introduce new people to Australia, to build an ever growing community.
  • First edition of 'The Times' of London published

    The 'Daily Universal Register' was founded in 1785. In 1788 it was re named as the 'The Times'. It is Britian's oldest surviving newspaper with new publications everyday. This started the Newspaper indrustry.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have lived in Australia for more than 60,000 years

    The First Fleet arrive and destroy the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples native land and homes. They destroyed them for being a different race and coulture. The impact of the white people coming to Australia, had a major affect on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities because the white people thought that they rightfully owned the land and they took what ever they wanted. This affected the relationship between the two races for many hundreds of years.
  • Free Settlers start their new life in New Holland

    In 1788 when the free settlers got of the ship they officially started their new life, as proud Australians. These were the first ever people to start an Australian community.
  • First police force - called Nightwatch

    The Night watch was created in 1789. It was the first NSW police force, it had help from the Row boat guard they were both appointed by Governor Phillip. The men were chosen because they were the best behaved out of all the convicts.
    If this fist police force wasn't created we would be having roits all the time
  • Britian grants self-rule to selected states of Australia

    Britian grants self-rule to New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. This means that they can choose their own Government, Politics and Diplomacy, self-rule is just another term for self-government. If this didn't happen we would still be ruled by the Queen. New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania introuced the secret ballot. New South Wales and Victoria introduced the eight-hour day.
  • Australian stopped convict transportation

    The British council granted a penal colony status on the first of may 1849 but by this time the eastern colonies had stopped or were refusing to co-operate with the transportation terms. The objections to transportation from the larger colonies meant that the transportation was completely stopped by 1868. If this didn't happen we would probably be over run by criminals today.
  • Vida Goldstein - Womens right to vote

    Vida Goldstien help women to vote, she also fought for womens rights as well .South Australia was the first state in Australia to let women vote in 1894. Victoria was the last state to give in, in 1908. 8 years later the U.K authorised the law for women to vote and another 12 years on the U.S.A also allowed women to vote. If Vida Goldstein never spoke up about womens rights and right to vote, we might still be in a time where women were discriminated agianst.
  • Australia's first prime minister

    Australia's first prime minister, Cabinet and Governor-general are appointed. This was good because we were being run by England
  • Stolen generation 1909 - 1969

    Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were stolen, this ruined many lives of those who are Aboriginal or are Torres Strait Islanders. Keven Rudd then appoligised to the stolen generation on feb 13th, 2008

  • The second Balkan war

    29th of June 1913, the second Balkan war started. Bulgaria wanted more territory but the fought their allies for it but it didn’t work out, Romania got Sofia the capital of Bulgaria and Turkey obtained Adrianople.
  • Assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    On June 28th 1914 the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was assassinated by Garvilo Princip in Sarajevo. Gavrilo was sentenced to 20 years imprisionment
  • WW1 started

    Many things happened to create a war as big as a world war some of theseevents are:
    August 31st 1907, Great Britain and Russia made the Anglo-Russian agreement to leave Persia as a neutral country.1912 the Anglo-French naval agreement was made, Britain promised the protection of the France coastlines from German invaders and in return the French protected the Suez Canal. These are just a few events that started the world wide war.
  • Peace Settlements

    The agreement made by opposing forces to stop WW1. It was only an agreement to stop the fighting. A peace treaty was only needed to bring the war to an end. The aim was to attch blame, impose punishments and reparations and to award the winners.
  • APEC

    Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) was erected in response to the ever growing trade relations with the Asian-Pacific region. The aim of APEC was to promote development through better supply chains and business enviroments.
  • Keven Rudd apologised for the stolen generation

    Keven Rudd apologised for the stolen generation on Feb 13th 2008, The sorry speech started at 9am and lasted half and hour, he read the seech in the Federal Parliment… - The whole sorry speech read by Keven Rudd