australian history

  • The Dutch

    The Dutch
    The first Europeans come to Australia.
  • James Cook

    James Cook
    Captain James Cook sails around Australia, and finds new land and decides to name it New South Wales.
  • James Cook: First Voyage

    James Cook: First Voyage
    Captain James Cook voyage icluding: Dutch East Indies, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • James Cook: second Voyage

    James Cook: second Voyage
    Captain James Cook goes to: New Zealand, Friendly Islands, Easter Island
  • James Cook: Third Voyage

    James Cook: Third Voyage
    Captain James Cook voyage: Hawaiian Islands, California, and Alaska.
  • "First Fleet"

    "First Fleet"
    "First Fleet" British ships go to find a new penal colony.
  • Prisoners Settle

    Prisoners Settle
    British prisoners are settled in Australia.
  • Aboriginies move

    Aboriginies move
    The remaining Aboriginies after invasions move onto reserves.
  • Port Arthur Tasmania

    Port Arthur Tasmania
    The worst criminals went to Port Arthur from 1833 to 1850s.
  • Commonwealth of Australia

    Commonwealth of Australia
    On January first, the Commonwealth of Australia was established.
  • Australia Act

    Australia Act
    All ties with the British Empire are gone.