Australian History By Lara

By howardl
  • 1770s

    Captain Cook lands in Botany Bay, Australia, leaving the Aboriginals to attack the English.
  • Period: to

    Australian History

  • 1780s

    Cook brings in more convicts by ship and a Smallpox outbreak occurs in 1789 killing half of the Aboriginals.
  • 1790s

    Supplies are running low, nearly a quarter of the settlement pass due to low supplies that were on Australia. However, later on in that same year a second fleet arrives with just enough food and items to stop the people from suffering.
  • 1800s

    Fears of the Irish in Australia makes the Catholics not able to celebrate their religion in 1802. In 1805 a ship doesn't arrive in time with the stock needed to supply the land, convicts were given guns to hunt down animals. Some don't return as they would much prefer living in the bushes.
  • 1810s

    In 1816 the bank of NSW was established, in our days it is known as Westpac.
  • 1820s

    Amount of white people in NSW double over ten years. Catholic priests arrive allowing Catholics to have a mass for the first time in nearly twenty years!
  • 1830s

    The Myall Creek Massacre occurred the stockmen kill around 30 people of the Wirrayarray tribe. The juror says " I knew the white men were guilty of murder but I would never see a white man hanged for killing a black"
  • 1840s

    A great depression starts leaving the colony shattered, with drought on top of that they knew that the colony would be having a rough decade.
  • 1850s

    The gold rush strikes Australia, migrants coming in from all different directions! The first piece of gold was found in Bathurst 1851.
  • 1860s

    Place your bets! The first Melbourne cup race began in 1861 with Archer coming out on top.
  • 1870s

    Victoria makes schooling for children over the age of 6 compulsory. This year was filled with test matches of sports against places all over the world.
  • 1880s

    A protector of Aborigines was appointed in NSW which later in 1886 made Indigenous families become separated.
  • 1890s

    The gold strike ends and Australia is in great depression as of payment strikes etc.
  • 1900s

    A new century begins! Queen Victoria announces the commonwealth of Australia. In 1905 The government of Priminister introduces compulsory military training from boys at the age of 12 - 14 and 18 - 20.
  • 1910s

    World War one had tragically started in 1914, on top of that the stolen generation had started in this decade too.