Australian History

By LarS5A
  • The First Colony In Sydney Cove

    The First Colony In Sydney Cove
    1788- King George lll sends the first a group of convicts to New Holland to found the first colony at Sydney cove. They assumed that the aboriginals did not own the land and would step aside. Effect- the aboriginal people are no longer the only inhabitants. The French were stopped from colonising Australia. We inherited English religion, laws and values.
  • The First Colony in Sydney cove (effect)

    The First Colony in Sydney cove (effect)
    Effect- the aboriginal people are no longer the only inhabitants. The French were stopped from colonising Australia. We inherited English religion, laws and values.
  • Famine in the Colony

    1790- Famine (starvation) strikes the first fleet and nearly a quarter of the settlement die. Effect- nearly a quarter of the settlement dies. Now we have money and healthy food so famine doesn’t strike again.
  • Significant person: Mathew Flinders

    Significant person: Mathew Flinders
    1805- Mathew flinders says that our land should be called Australia and soon everyone starts using it. Effect- in the short term effect everyone started to call the land Australia. Nowadays if Mathew hadn’t named Australia, Australia we wouldn’t have a suitable name for Australia.
  • First Proper Colonial Police Force

    1810- Governor Lachlan Maquarie arrived in NSW to start British government control. Maquarie establishes the first proper colonial police force.
  • The first colonial police force (effect)

    Effect- the short term effect was that the convicts and people from the settlement would have had good discipline and punishments. The long term effect was that now we have jails and prisons to punish all the criminals.
  • The Black War

    The Black War
    1820- The black war intensifies and the British have banned the natives from going into settled areas. Military posts are set up along the boundaries.
  • The Black war(effect)

    Effect- the short term effect is that the natives were only allowed in a very small area because the military posts have put up. The long term effect is that we have become racist about people who aren’t the same or don’t have white skin.
  • Van Diemans Land Black Line

    1830- Van Diemen’s land black line - a failed attempt to get all of the rest of the free indigenous Tasmanians into one depot to end the black war which has been going on for most of the past decade.
  • Van Diemans Land Black Line (effect)

    Effect- the short term effect is that the settlement failed to get all of the indigenous into one depot to stop the black war. The long term effect is that the black war eventually stopped.
  • Squatters

    1846- The British government gives squatters 14 year leases to their runs, giving them temporary security on their land. The government also gives them orders to let the indigenous people rights to hunt on any of their that isn’t fenced. These orders are ignored.
  • Squatters(effect)

    Effect- the short term effect is that because the orders were ignored the aboriginals can only hunt on small parts of land therefore they hunted out all of the animals so they starved. The long term effect is that there are no more full blood aboriginals because of this.
  • Rabbits are introduced

    Rabbits are introduced
    1850- A pastoralist near Geelong releases 24 breeding rabbits as game for shooting parties and blithely comments, “the introduction of a few rabbits could do little harm and provide a touch of home. “But within 10 years there could be 2 million shot or trapped each year and look like there was none that had been shot or trapped.
  • Rabbits are introduced

    Effect- the short term effect is that the rabbits’ population grew rapidly. The long term effect is because the rabbits are pests. Rabbits also kill the environment.
  • Introduced plants and animals

    1861- The Victorian acclimatisation society is made to import familiar animals and plants such as rabbits, foxes, starlings and blackberries. They intended to help the British-born feel more comfortable in a strange landscape. This proves to be a giant environmental mistake.
  • introduced plants and animals (effect)

    effect- the short term effect is that because the plants and animals destroyed the environment then the environment so it isn't as clean. The long term effect is that now there aren't as many native plants because the introduced ones destroyed the environment.
  • The First Aboriginal children at school

    The First Aboriginal children at school
    1870- The first aboriginal children are enrolled at public schools in NSW. In a decade there will be 200 aboriginal children in public schools in NSW.
  • the first aboriginal children at school(effect)

    Effect- the short term effect is that aboriginal kids are getting education. The long term effect is that kids nowadays have education as well and learn all different subjects.
  • The first Australian cricket team

    The first Australian cricket team
    1882- Australia has defeated England in a cricket match for the first time. England declares English cricket dead and that its body will be cremated and sent to Australia.
  • english cricket dead(effect)

    Effect- the short term effect is that English cricket was defeated for the first time ever. The long term effect is that Australia defeated England and will always be remembered.
  • South Australian women can own their own land

    1890's- South Australian women are granted the right to own their own land. Effect- the short term effect is that south australian women can own their own land. The long term effect is that south Australian women are given freedom.
  • Federation

    1901- Federation begins and all of the states WA,SA,QLD,VIC,NSW and tasmania all joined together to form what we now know as Australia there was also a very severe drought.
  • federation (effect)

    effect the short term effect is that the drought had caused many deaths. the long term effect is that federation had begun.
  • bibliography

    aushistory website.
    my place website.