
Australian History

By Histroy
  • Period: to

    Ausralian History Timeline

  • 1780's

    Cause: Arrival of 543 convict men and 189 convict women in the First Fleet, under Governor Arthur Phillip, first at Botany Bay, then Sydney Cove.
    Effect: Britain got more land but after time it saddly created a war with the Eora (The Black War).
  • 1790's

    Cause: Jhon Macarthur, NSW Corps Officer, trader and settler, buys, imports the first Merino sheep and become the conony's major sheep breeder.
    Effect: Wool became a great source of money for Australia (New Holland) and is still today a major export
  • 1800's

    Cause: A second major settlement is established in Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania)
    Effect: Britain occupied more land for convicts and free settlers and today Tasmania might not be part of Australia.
  • 1810's

    Cause: The first batch of commercial merino wool leaves for Englend. By 2000, 80% of Merino wool will come from Australia.
    Effect: The wool indstry provided jobs for Australian farmers and settlers.
  • 1820's

    Cause: The British Government claims Westrn Australia.
    Effect: Australia might not have won their independence if some of the land was still owned by the Eora (Aboriginal).
  • 1830's

    Cause: Real trial by jury is established for the first time ex-convicts are are given the right to take part.
    Effect: It gave the ex convicts an opportunity to have a fair trial by their peers.
  • 1840's

    Cause: The Commissioners of Crown Lands estimate 6,664 people, half of them convict, are living on 673 squatting stations, running about 350,000 cattle and 1,200,000 sheep.
    Effect: Convicts had a job and they were helping the Australian farming industry.
  • 1850's

    Cause: The first major gold strikes, with gold found near Bathurst in NSW, then Victoria near what would become Ballarat. The subsequent rushes will transform Asutralian life, with a new generation of emigrants, all seeking their foutunes. Melbourne becomes an overnight metropolis.
    Effect: People are arriving in Australia as free settlers from all around the world to mine for gold to change their fate.
  • 1860's

    Cause: An Act for 'Protection and Management of Aboriginal Natives, is passed in Victoria. During the next 20 years nearly 11,000 hestares of land are 'temporarily reserved'. By 1900, most Victorian Aborigines are forcibly placed on these reserves.
    Effect: It kept the Aboriginal population alive and help England and Australia (New Holland) take over land from the Eora.
  • 1870's

    Cause: The first Aboriginal children are enrolled in public schools in NSW, marking a shift form previous Missionary schooling. In a decade there will be 200 Aboriginal children in public schools in NSW.
    Effect: They taught the Aboriginal children English and writing which helped build a bond with the Eora.
  • 1880's

    Cause: In Brussels, Nellie Melba, born Helen Mitchell in Richmond, Melbourne makes her opera debut. She is the first Asutralian woman to achieve worldwide fame, and by the time she retires in the late 1920's no Australian man will be as well knows as Melba.
    Effect: She was famous worldwide which helped Australia become more popular.
  • 1890 - 1901

    1890 - 1901
    Cause: The Great Shearers' Strike, still one of Asutralia's most important industrial disputes, From Feburary until May, central Queensland looks to be on the brink of a civil war. Striking shearers form armed camps outside towns. In the aftermath of union defeat the Australian Labour Party is born.
    Effect: We might not have a Labour Party today if not for the strikes.
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