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Australian History

By msc
  • Europeans discover Australia!

    Europeans discover Australia!
    The first Europeans (Dutch) sail to Australia, but don't settle there because of being attacked by Aboringines.
  • Australia is mapped!

    Australia is mapped!
    Captain James Cook sails around Australia,claims land for England, and names it New South Wales.
  • British prisoners settle in Australia.

    British prisoners settle in Australia.
    Great Britain had to stop sending prisoners to Georgia because of the American Revolution, so they needed a penal colony, and Australia seemed perfect.
  • Australia gets colonies.

    Australia gets colonies.
    Free imagrants started and kept coming to live in Australia, so the 7 major coastal settlements became 7 independent colonies. Also the government created boundaries for the colonies that sre still in place today.
  • Great Britain stops sending prisoners to Australia.

    Great Britain stops sending prisoners to Australia.
    To many nonprisoners come to New South Wales, so Great Britain decides to stop sending prisoners there.
  • The Commonwealth of Australia is established!

    The Commonwealth of Australia is established!
    All of the colonies of Australia join together.
  • New capitol!

    New capitol!
    Canberra becomes Australia's capitol instead of Melbourne.
  • Aborigines get rights, finally!

    Aborigines get rights, finally!
    The Federal Government begins to pass laws to help Aborigines.
  • Australia is free!

    Australia is free!
    Australia Act: all legal ties with Great Britain are cut off, making Australia independent.
  • No independent republic!

    No independent republic!
    55% of voters didn't want Australia to become an independent republic, so it stayed a parlimentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth ll as queen.