Australian Historical Timeline

By savyo
  • New Holland Is Now Called Australia

    New Holland Is Now Called Australia
    When it was 1804, a British man named, Matthew Flinders suggested the names Terra Australis or Australia for the country instead of New Holland. Matthew Flinders continually used the name Australia to gather supporters.
    In 1824, New Holland was named Australia.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    The very first Gold Rush that happened in Australia was in May 1851 once a man named, Edward Hargraves announced to have found gold near Orange. Edward Hargraves had once been to the Californian goldfields and had discovered new techniques such as panning and cradling.
  • Coming Of The Light

    Coming Of The Light
    The Coming Of The Light is a wonderful holiday/celebration celebrated by Torres Strait Islanders on the 1st of July each and every year. It’s purpose is the adoption of Christianity throughout plenty of communities during the nineteenth century.
  • Australian Women Suffrage

    Australian Women Suffrage
    When it was 1891, a group of determined females who came from the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and the Victorian Temperance Alliance, together with multiple other suffrage groups, went to plenty of doors with a petition to give Victorian women the right to vote.
  • The Stolen Generation

    The Stolen Generation
    The Stolen Generation from, 1910-1970 is where the British (or the white) removed almost all Aboriginal and Torestrait Islander children from their beloved families and placed them with British families so they could adapt to their culture and forget their way of living life.
  • Word War One

    Word War One
    The Australia’s army was the biggest in the Australian military for World War One. Australia changed during and after the tragic war because females replaced the males from their work and were unfortunately payed less. Australia only got involved in the war so they could support the British.
  • World War Two

    World War Two
    Nearly one million Australian males and females fought in the war against Germany. 27,073 of them were killed in action. 23,477 were sadly wounded and 30,560 were taken as prisoners. Australia increased its industrial output to support the war, which had many effects.
  • Melbourne Olympic Games

    Melbourne Olympic Games
    In 1956, Melbourne held the Olympic Games. The games were held from the 22nd of November to the 8th of December, 1956. This was the very first time the games were held in Southern Hemisphere. There were 72 nations competing at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Fortunately, Australian athletes, Betty Cuthbort and Murray Rose both won gold medals! Wahoo!
  • Referendum

    In 1967, Australians voted in because they wanted changes to our constitution to improve the services available to all Indigenous Australians. The changes focused on two sections of the constitution which unfortunately discriminated against Aboriginals. This resulted in Aboriginal people living better lives so they weren’t as sad.
  • Medicare/Medibank

    Medicare is Australia's health insurance it decreases the cost of many medical health services. Medicare was introduced by the Whitlam Labor Government in 1975 but which was later separated into different parts by the Fraser Coalition Government.