Title picture it

Australian Federation Timeline Joshua O`Kane 6 Blue

  • Federation Proposal

    Federation Proposal
    Sir Earl Gray proposes a loose colonial federation.
  • Telegraph Patened

    Telegraph Patened
    Telegraph it installed in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide
  • Telegraph revolution

    Telegraph revolution
    Telegraph helped the cause of federation massivly as it brought the new southern land together as a nation. By 1876, telegraph was installed all around australia, in the major cities.
  • The Bulletin is Publised

    The Bulletin is Publised
    Anoother step forward in federation, The Bulletin was Australia`s first newspaper. It was also nicknamed "The Bushman`s Bible" by many.
  • First Census

    The first census in Australia is held. Due to the laws at the time, aboringinal people were excluded.
  • Sir Henry Parkes Speech

    Sir Henry Parkes Speech
    At Tenterfield, "The Father of Federation" made a famous speech supporting federation.
  • The Australian Constitution

    The Australian Constitution
    The referendum is finally passed in Western Australia, and the Australian Constitution is finally drawn up and signed by Queen Victoria.
  • Federation

    Australia finally becomes it`s own country on new years. Also note that Queen Victoria died the same month as federation