Australian Federation

  • British Heritage

    British interest in Australia started in 1770, when Captain James Cook claimed the eastern coast for britain.
  • Borders to Colonies

    The borders to colonies has chaned starting from New South Wales (1788) to Australian Capital Territory (1938)
  • British in Control

    British ships arrived in Port Jackson and took control of part of the Australian land. They called it New South Wales. The people living in New South Wales were ruled by the British people.
  • Aboriginals.

    Two MIllion Aboriginals lived in Australia. By the 1900s only 50,00 survived. Many died of diseases introduced by the settlers. Others were murdered or driven off their land. Some worked as police trackers, or as laborers on sheep stations.
  • Period: to

    Australian Federation

  • Australian Cricket

    The first Australian cricket team toured England in 1868
    The first Australian cricket team had all Aboriginal players.
    out of all 47 matches thay had 14 wins and 19 draws
  • National Anthem of Australia

    The national anthem was created by a scottish man named Peter Dodds MCcormickt was first played. it was first peformed in 1878 in Sydney on Saint Andrews day by an orchastra. Peter Dodds MCcormick died in 1916
  • The process of becoming a Federation.

    Hard times across Australia drew people's attention away from federation for several years but in 1893 there was a conference of pro-federation groups. They agreed that a national meeting would redraft the constitution and that all Australians should have a chance to agree with the constitution by vote.
  • Contribution to the Federation

    Australasian Convention met in 1897 and in 1898. Each colony elected representatives to attend, except Queensland, which did not support federation. Committees debated each paragraph of the draft constitution, changes were made, and a new constitution was drafted by Edmund Barton, John Downer and Richard O'Connor.
  • Preperation for Federation Day

    As 1900 neared is end, people all over Australia prepared for a hige party to welcome the first day of 1901. The people planned parades, banquets and ballsz. They built floats made costumes. Others wrote songs and school girls practised dancing. The people were ready for federation day
  • Federation Day

    At 10:00 AM on tuesday January 1901 there was celebration for federation. the Parade took an 8 kilometre route from Domainn to Centinnial park. Arches like the coal arch were celebrated. 10,000 people attended the celebration and more than 50,000 people watched from the road side.
  • The developmet of the Australian flag

    There were 5 entries for the design of the Australian flag.
    The five entries came from Ivor Evans, a fourteen-year-old schoolboy from Melbourne; Leslie John Hawkins, a Sydney teenager who was apprenticed to an optician; Melbourne architect Egbert John Nuttall; Annie Dorrington, an artist from Perth; and ship's officer William Stevens who was from Auckland, New Zealand. The flag was modified a little bit because they changed it to seven stars instead of six.
  • First Opening of Parliament

    The First Commonwealth Parliament was opened by the Duke of York in the Exhibition Building, Melbourne
  • Women protesting for the right to vote

    women were given the right to vote in Federal elections . At the same time, that right was taken away from Aboriginal people ans all other non-whites except Maoris. Aboriginal people did not regain the right to vote until 1962
  • ACT establishment

    The Federal Capital Territory was established in 1911. Then it changed its name to the Australian Capital Territory in 1938
  • Coat of Arms

    the Coat of Arms symbol was designed in 1912. The symbols on the shield represent the 6 differant states.