Australian Federation

  • Period: to

    Australian Federation

  • British Colonies

    British Colonies
    There were six British colonies because the laws were made by the British Parliment so Australia had no say.
  • Idea of Being Australian

    Australian colonies had little to do with each other up untill they were all joined together by telegraph in 1872 and the idea of being one nation began to be expressed in songs and poems.
  • National Anthem

    National Anthem
    Peter Dodds McCormick from Scotland composed Advance Australia Fair. It was first performed in 1878 but was not actually the official anthem of Australia till 1984
  • Colony Taxes

    In Janurary, an inter-colonial conference was held in sydney to discuss the particular issue of customs duties. Colonies such as New South Wales believed in free trade, whereas Victoria supported a 'protectionism policy' in which government taxes were imposed on goods imported from other colonies to encourage people to support local industries.
  • The Federal Council

    The British Parliment passed on the Federal Council of Australasia Act 1885 on the 14th of August and after the colonies passed on adopting acts, the federal council was formed.
  • Federal Council Meeting

    The first Federal Council metting as held in Hobart. Representatives from Western Australia, Fiji, Tasmania and Victoria. New SOuth Wales refused to join.
  • SIr Henry Parks Thinks There Should be a Change

    Major-General Sir J. Bevan reported on the defence of Australian colonies and on the 24th of October Sir Henry Parkes made a speech at Tenterfield calling for 'a great national government for all of Australia.
  • The Commenwealth

    Throughout the 1980's many gatherings were held to develop s constitution for the commomwealth. Fiji and New Zealand were originally part of federation but decided not to join.
  • Reccomendence of National Convention

    The Australasian Federation recomends a national convention to be held to draft a constitution for the Commenwealth of Australia.
  • Conference Held for Pro-federation Groips

    Australia had to redraft their constitution and then they allowed Australia to to vote on wether they agree with constitution.
  • People's Conference

    A people's conference in Corowa, New South Wales, urges the colonial parliments to hold a new conversation to decide on a draft contitution.
  • Agreement for Second Conference

    Premiers Conference in Hobart agrred to second Constutional Convention with elected delegates from each colony.
  • Australaisan Convention

    The first session of the Australaisan workshop is held in Adelaide to work towards a federal Constitution. All colonies are there except Qeensland
  • Changes in Constitution

    The premiers of each colonies hold a secret meeting and agree to several changes in constitution. Between April and July refrendums are held in South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.
  • The First Referendum

    A special election called a referendum was held so that people in the colonies could vote on the constitution.
  • Commonwealth of Australia Contitution Act is SIgned

    In March a delegation travels to London to present the constitution to the British Parliment.On July the 5th the Britidh Parliment passes the Commonwealth of Australia COnstitutuion act. On the 9th of July Queen Vistria signs the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.
  • Conference of Colony Premiers

    A conference of colony Premiers is held in Melbourne to support the delegates in London. The meeting confirms that the delagates' mission is to have the constitution bill passed in London in the form voted for by the Australian people.
  • Census of Australians

    A census was taken of all the people that lived in Australia exept for Aboriginals, the number of people counted was 3 778 801.
  • The First Australian Government

    On the 1st of January 1901 Edmund Barton was appointed but not elected as Prime Minister of Australia. On the 1st of May 1901 the first general election was held, he was elected as the Prime Minister of Austrlaia.
  • Opening of Parliment

    Opening of Parliment
    The Duke of Cornwall and York opems the first parliment of the Common Wealth of Australia in the exibition building in Melbourne.
  • N.S.W Join Government

    New South Wales decide that it is worth giving up territory for seat of the Commonwealth Government.
  • Establishment of Territories

    Up untill 1911 The Northern Territory and The Australian Capital Territory(A.C.T) did not exist. In order to make the A.C.T it had to be in New South Wales and at least 100km from Sydney.
  • N.T. to the Commonwealth Government

    Responsibilty for the Northern Territory goes from South Australia to the Commonwealth Government.
  • First Stamps

    First Stamps
    The Commonwealth Government issues the first official stamps of Australia.
  • National Anthem