Australian Federation

  • 1st New South Wales Governor

    New South Wales Governor appointed Governor-General for New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia
  • Period: to

    Australian Federation

  • gold rushes

    gold rushes in new south wales and victoria
  • last convicts

    last convicts transported to tasmania
  • eureka rebellion

    eureka rebellion, ballarat, victoria
  • Murray river

    Murray river customs agreement reached between new south wales, south australia and victoria (amended 1857)
  • first intercolonial conference

    first intercolonial conference, on lighthouse, held in melbourne
  • select committee

    select committee on federation reported in Victoria
  • Moreton bay colony of Queensland

    Moreton Bay District separated from New South Wales as the colony of Queensland
  • 1860 Six British

    Six British colonies in Australia.
    laws were made by the British parliament
  • new south walas free trad with victoria

    New South Wales terminated its free trade agreement with Victoria
  • Intercolonial conference of treasurers

    Intercolonial conference of treasurers of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania
  • Intercolonial conference on border

    Intercolonial conference on border customs duties held in Sydney
  • transportation to australia

    transportation to australia ceasedwith arrival of last convict ship in western australia
  • 1872 lines linked

    Telegraph lines linked colonies songs and poem about Australian
  • 1890 Convvention

    Convvention in Melboure
  • 1891 Convention

    Convention in Sydney.
    The constition started to be written.
    Representative read the constitution.
  • 1893 Conference of pro-federation

    Conference of pro-federation group.
    Vote for federation
  • 1897-1898

    Convention. QLD didn't attend because they were against federation.
    New constitution was drafted
  • 1899 premiers met

    Premiers met
  • Wear a Federation medal

    when the first federal parliament opened in melbourne on 9 may 1901 about 250,000 victorian school childen were givin bronze medals.