
Australian Colonization Timeline

  • First Descovered

    First Descovered
    The Dutch found Australia first but did not settle there because when they did first come to Australia, the Aboriginies attacked, causing the Dutch to cancel further exploration.
  • Discovered and Taken

    Discovered and Taken
    Captin James Cook came to Australia for the British. In this act, he named and claimed New South Wales. He ignored the Aborigines in this, and claimed this new land for Great Britan. After a while, Britan had to stop sending their prisoners to Georgia and decided that Australia is a great place to send them because prisoners had no chance of escape, no colonies around it, and there were very few indigenous people residing in this area.
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    The first ship of prisoners were sent to Australia from Britan. The biggest prison made was made in Tasmania and the prison is called Post Artur.
  • Settled

    The prisoners got settled in Australia
  • Period: to

    Official Prison Grounds

    New South Wales was the official prison ground consisting of convicts, marines, and the marines's families. 20% of these convicts were woman
  • Aborigines

    The Aborigines went through "invasion" stages. Some Aborigines were separated from their families and some were even killed beause on "nusinence". At this time, the Aborigines were sent to Reserves which forbid the parents to teach children about their language and customs. This lasted for years.
  • Period: to

    Post Arthur

    This was the destination for the most notorious convicts who were second-offense characters who were British and Irish. This prison was the strictest! Tales say that convicts commited murder or suicide to end and escape camp life.
  • Colinizing

    Australia is separated into 7 colinies.
  • Stopped the Prisoners Transportation

    Stopped the Prisoners Transportation
    Prisoners halted the trasportation between Britan and Australia because free immagrants started to come to this country and building businesses, trading posts, farms, etc.
  • "White Australia"

    "White Australia"
    The Immigration Act of 1901 restricted migrated to people, primarily of European desent. This act was dismantled after World War 2. Now, there's a non-discriminatory policy to allow a home to people from more than 200 countries.
  • Legislation

    There was a legislation to help the Aborigines imporve the comditions that they were under.
  • Equal Rights

    Equal Rights
    Everything then became equal between the Aborigines.
  • Weird Vote

    Weird Vote
    55% of Australians rejected being an independent republic
  • Australia Act

    Australia Act
    The Australia Act and all legal ties with Britan were severed.
  • Nowadays with the Aborigines

    Nowadays with the Aborigines
    Today, because of the rejection of culture and language in the Reserves back in 1830, many Aboridines don't know where they desended from. Sometimes, they don't even know the names of their parents or granparents.