Loss of Economy
Before 1788, there was death in England and this equaled up to loss of economy. -
More Prisoners
Before 1788, there was poverty, this ended up with thefts or crime. Then after that there was more prisoners in England. -
More Jobs
Before 1788, the people in England needed more jobs so they came to Australia. -
Another Place
Before 1788, Australia was another place for the English to own and control the land. -
Before 1788, there was overcrowding in cities, so this made a lot of English sick and ill. This ended up in pollution (industrial revolution). -
Australian Land Before the British
Before the British came, Australia was a largely unspoilt country. There was not much food, water, no horses or carriages, no tall buildings, no large farms and no travellers. -
An Island got found
Norfolk Island got found in 1744. Norfolk is an island that is near Brisbane. Norfolk Island got found by Captain James Cook and Captain was the first European to find Norfolk. He also named it 'The Island Norfolk' after the Duchess of Norfolk. -
Captain Cook Arrived
Captain Cook came in 1770 and he discovered Botany Bay. Botany Bay is now known as a place in Sydney, Australia. Botany Bay has become over populated over the years - since 1770. -
Convicts to USA
In 1782, English were transported to America, but the American war ended and American's refused to keep any more convicts. So the convicts cam to NSW, Australia. -
English Jail Cells
A lot of people got arrested in England, so all and most of the jail sells got very full. -
The Travel of the Convicts
The English Convicts left Portsmouth, England on 13 May 1787, then went to Rio De Janerio, Brazil, then went to Cape Town, South Africa, then ended up in Botany Bay between the 18th and 20th of January, 1788. The Convicts were on boats for 9 months. -
The Travel of the Convicts
The English Arrived in Australia. The English Convicts left Portsmouth, England on 13 May 1787, then went to Rio De Janerio, Brazil, then went to Cape Town, South Africa, then ended up in Botany Bay between the 18th and 20th of January, 1788. The Convicts were on boats for 9 months. -
The First Fleet
The First Fleet arrived in Botany Bay on the 24 Jan 1788. This is important because if they didn't get here, no English people would be in Australia today. -
Captain Arthur Phillip Arrived
Captain Arthur Phillip came to Australia on the 24th of January in 1788. He came with the first fleet along Brazil and South Africa. -
English Flag
Captain Arthur Phillip put an English flag in Australia on the 26th of January 1788. This is important because if Captain Phillip did not put the English flag in Australia not many English people would be living here in Australia today. -
Aboriginal Population
750,000 Aboriginal people then dropped to 41,000 between 1788 and 1900. This happened because the British started to kill the Aboriginal people because the British wanted all of the Australian land. -
Endeglassie (Brisbane) got found in 1799. This is important because Endeglassie would not be a part of Australia today if no one found it. It is also important because if no one found Endeglassie, no convicts would have been living there. -
People in West of Sydney Cove
By 1823 about 1200 people lived on the west of Sydney Cove. This is important because now we have way more population. -
Convicts cut steps into the rock between the warehouses in 1868. This important because they could have hurt them self and that would have been really bad.